
Jökull - 01.12.1966, Page 8

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Page 8
so- 100 method o£ constructing the curves is the fol- lowing. For the decrease o£ glacier load we use tlie curve Gv o£ Fig. 2. The ordinate of the curve for absolute rise o£ the locality be v (posi- tive downward), its maximum value ym at 18.000 B.P. is taken to correspond to equilibrium under full load, ordinate o£ Gv = 1. The rapidity o£ rise of the locality is then dy/dt = — k (y — ym • Gv), where k is a constant for the country, depending on viscosity and the dia- Absolute rise of the Reykjavík area. Si : rise of absolute sea-level (cf. Fig. 2). 1, 2, 3 are theoretical curves £or the rise of the Reykjavík area. Time scale at top. 6. mynd. Ris Reykjavíkursvœcíisins, línur 1, 2, 3 og 4, borið saman við ris sjávar, Si og So. meter of the whole depression. Two values for ym have been selected (125 m and 135 m) and three values for k (i/í>, 1, The correspond- ing four curves are shown in Fig. 6. By comparison of these curves with Si of Fairbridge the relative height of sea-level at various epochs can be found as shown in Table II. As criteria for the selection of the fitting curve we have the demands that the highest sea-level must come near 43 m, the maximum height of the raised beach at the locality, and that the curve must intersect Si near the time 9000 B.P. The intersection for curve 3 is 8500 B.P. ancl for curve 4 it is 8300 B.P. It is clear that ym must be considerably larger than 100 m, otherwise the curve would have to be flat in the beginning and later rise rather suddenly. But this is not possible if the early and late parts shall be consistent, i.e. if k is TABLE II. Relative heights of sea-level at Reykjavík at various time. y.n k T = 17.3 15.8 13.3 12.0 11.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 x 103 B.P 125 1 Curve i 25 m 42 41 37 39 24 19 - -11 - - 13 -7 - - 10 0 125 V% — 2 25 43 48 46 52 38 35 8 4 7 2 10 135 3/2 — 3 35 51 46 39 40 23 15 - - 19 - - 18 -9 - - 11 0 135 1 — 4 35 52 49 44 45 29 22 - - 10 - - 13 -7 - - 10 0 162 JÖKULL



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