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Jökull - 01.12.1966, Qupperneq 11

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Qupperneq 11
depressions. For Iceland we take Stokkseyri and for Scandinavia a point with the same relative distance from the centre, on the section Gedvnia- Moskenesöy. This point is near Nyköping south of Stockholm, we shall calf it „Nyköping". We construct a curve of rise for this point, Fig. 7, using Fig. 3. There are two alternatives, tak- ing absolute sea-level frorn Si or from S2. The rise at „Nyköping“ at a convenient time, 9000 B.P., is found to be 40 m and 45 m per 1000 years respectively. This gives the viscosities (127 + a)-900/40 and (137 + a) • 900/45 in arbitrary units, where a is the present amount of downwarping. To give consistency with the present uplift, about 3 m/1000 vr, a must be about 10 m, and we get the viscosities 3080 and 2940. For Stokkseyri we get 30 • 240/29 = 248. The ratio of the viscosities is then 12.4 and 11.9. The above value for Stokkseyri is independent of the time chosen, and this would also be the case for Nyköping if the curve had been constructed on the same principle. But it has simply been drawn smoothly through 3 points and it gives a slightly less viscosity for the latest time than for 9000 B.P. We conclude that it must be a good approx- imation to say that viscosity for the Iceland region is one order of magnitude less than for Scandinavia, as earlier estimated. It would be tempting to assume that the low viscosity for Iceland is due to its position on the mid-Atlantic Ridge. But it has been point- ed out (Broecker 1966) that the uplift of Scandinavia may lead to an abnormally high calculated viscosity, and the value for Iceland is then closer to what might be a normal value. If the great mobility for Iceland were due to a special thin fluid layer, then the models for Iceland and Scandinavia would be quite different and the above comparison would be invalid. But it is clear that in this case the viscosity of the thin layer would have to be less than the value we found. Another centre of Pleistocene glaciation are the Faeroe Islands. The radius of the glacier can be taken as 50 km. If the maximum thick- ness was 500 m, and the thickness followed the formula H = 500 (1 — (x/50)2), where x is the distance from the centre in km, then the centre woulcl be depressed 24 m while it would rise isostatically 22 m on account of lowering of the surrounding sea, thus giving a net sink- ing of only 2 m (Found by method given in Einarsson 1953). Under these circumstances raised beaches would not occur, which is in keeping with observations. (Rasmussen personal communication.) This small glacial centre, there- fore, does not lend itself to viscosity studies, which shows the limit to the application of the above considerations. Finally, it may be remarked that when gener- al sea-level dropped by 85—100 m during the last glaciation it dropped by that amount at the Faero Islands. A quite considerable area was thereby laid dry and unless it was entirely covercd bv the glacier it presented a possible refugium for plants and lower animals. ÁGRIP RIS ÍSLANDS í I.OK ÍSALDAR OG SEIGJA DJÚPLAGA UNDIR JARÐ- SKORPUNNI. Eftir Trausta Einarsson. Ris Islands eflir að jökulfarginu létti af þvi var mun hraðara en hliðstcett ris Norðurlanda. A grundvelli þess áœtlaði ég 1953, að seigja djúplaga væri hér eitthvað um 1 /io af gildi hennar undir Norðurlöndum og stceði þetta lága gildi vcentanlega i sambandi við legu Is- lands á Mið-Atlantshafshryggnum. Siðan hafa verið gerðar ýmsar aldursmcelingar, sem snerta ris Islands, og er nú hcegt að gera málinu fyllri skil. Fyrst er athugað, hvort hinn alrnenni sjávar- botn muni hafa sigið, er 100 m þykkt sjávarlag bcettist á hann við bráðnun jökla i lok isaldar. Niðurstaðan er óviss, en sýnt, að viðunandi nákvcemni fœst, ef gert er ráð fyrir óhreyfðurn sjávarbotni. Rýrnun jökla á Norðurlöndum undir lok is- alclar er borin saman við mcelingar á hcekkun almenns sjávarborðs og reynist í stórum drátt- um í góðu samrcemi við þcer. Er hún því einnig notuð sem mcelikvarði á rýrnun jökla hér. Strandlinur frá ýmsum tímum eru þekktar við Eystrasalt, og sýna þcer, svo og nútíma ris svceðisins, að sigdceldin hefur grynnkað sem heild án þess að skreppa saman, og rishraði á hverjum stað liefur verið í réttu hlutfalli við dýpið. Sömu reglu má ganga út frá hér, en af JÖKULL 165
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