
Jökull - 01.12.1966, Blaðsíða 16

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Blaðsíða 16
soon seep out under the glacier and play no further role in the happenings. The cooled fragmented lava would, on the other hand, be- come a good insulator between the ice ceiling and the gfowing lava. If instead of crumbling, the lava is turned into pillows the result would not, be much different. Each pillow would get a colcl crust and let the heat out slowly ancl the mass as a whole would be a good insulator. Thus after the initial contact between ice and lava, further lava flow will soon be insulat- ed from direct contact with the ice and now the weight of the ice cap comes into the pic- t.ure. This immediately decreases the flow by counter-pressure and if the lava is effectively prevented from any contact with the ice this slowing down will ease the quenching process by any meltwater that comes from above. The wall between lava and ice becomes thicker and a final sealing of the fissure takes place if the ice sheet is 150 m or more. The easiest way for the lava would be sideways at the base of the ice, and this is in keeping with what the two cases previously mentioned show: the ridges are low with a flat surface and the breadth is 5—10 times larger than the height. Now, even if the glacier were fractured the stress will spreacl laterally upwards. The ice load then corresponds to the weight of a wedge of about 90° opening angle. The thrust of the lava in the 2 m wide dyke can then be counter- balanced by a 100 m thick ice cap, or, in the case of a point eruption, by a 75 m thick ice. Thus for an ice-cap 400 or 500 m thick the blocking is fully effective whether the ice is solid or crossed by a wide mesh of fractures. Finally, if a hydraulic press develops or if steam pressure becomes effective, slight lifting will let the lava or steam sideways out under the glacier. Sofar we have been able to see, the latent heat of the lava would be very ineffectively used for such a process as melting a wav up through a thick ice sheet. But we shall also face such a case. The lava is then supposed to find ways to the top o£ the pile of brecciated material above the volcanic fissure, and in the end to penetrate to the surface. The gap so formed might be some 100 m wide at the base and in spite of good insulation between ice wall and the lava column, due to cooled crumbled material, we shall suppose that be- cause of slumping of fractured ice the gap wiclens upwards at an angle of 90°, being one km wide at the surface of a 500 m thick ice. At this point the eruption will in the beginn- ing be explosive and a laver of tuff and bombs will settle on the surface of the ice. As this material was cooled in the air before settling it has no effect on the ice, as was well demon- strated by a layer of bombs falling on snow around Hekla in 1947. On the contrary the layer forms an effective insulation if the erup- tion should eventually become effusive; the lava will just spread over the ice as if this was a surface of sand. When in the end the eruption stops, there lias been formed an extremely unstable struc- ture supported by ice, and it seems most likely that as the ice flow must be assumecl to con- tinue, this structure will very largely be carried away by the ice. In any case the remnant left at the end of glaciation would have little re- semblance of the original structure and in special it would not be a regular table-mountain with dominant horizontal stratification. Compare with this picture what the sub- glacial extrusion hvpothesis of the table-moun- tains demands, Fig. 4. Through an ice-cap 500 m thick it is expected that melting forms a hole some 5 km in diameter, i.e. 10 times the thickness o£ the ice sheet. The melting is, further, expected to be so neatly regulated that fragmental material can settle simultaneouslv in the entire horizontal section of the gap to form a regular succession of horizontal layers. All this could be done by a Maxwellian demon who directed the latent energy of the lava into the desired channels. But instead of such an agency we are left with the second law of thermodynamics which prohibits an arbitrary prescription of the flow of heat in a natural process. We must inquire into the probability of a process ancl the forming of the wide gap seems a very unlikely use of the lava heat. This paper is nearly exclusively concerned with the physical aspects of a sub-glacial erup- tion and we think that such a consideration clarifies what will reasonably happen in most cases. Field observations must not be summarily explained be reference to physically most un- likely prcesses but must take the normal geo- logical agencies, such as faulting and erosion, fully into account. 170 JÖKULL
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