
Jökull - 01.12.1966, Side 20

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Side 20
Þá má enn minna á sigdœldir, sem myndast á Vatnajökli, t. d. i sambandi við hlaup í Skaftá, sem hugsanlega stöfuðu af slikum gos- um. REFERENCES - HEIMILDARRIT Einarsson, Trausti. 1962. Upper Tertiary ancl Pleistocene Rocks in Iceland. Vísindafélag íslendinga, No. 36, pp. 1—196. — 1966. Studies of Temperature, Viscosity, Density, and some Types of Materials pro- duced by the Surtsey Eruption. (In Surtsey Research Progress Report II. The Surtsey Research Society, Reykjavík.) Kjartansson, G. 1966. A Comparison of Table- mountains in Iceland and the Volcanic Is- land of Surtsey off the South Coast of Ice- land. Náttúrufræðingurnn, 36, pp. 1—34. (Icelandic with English Summary). Thorarinsson, S. 1966. Changes of the Water- Firn Level in the Grímsvötn Caldera 1954 — 1965. Jökull, 15, pp. 109—119. Ven Te Chow, Ed. 1964. Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Section 16 by Mark T. Meier, p. 15—16. McGraw-Hill. (Manuscript received February 1967.) i 74 JÖKULL



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