
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Qupperneq 24

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Qupperneq 24
In the present context the most important solutions o£ (4) involve a fluid current heated from below and starting at x = 0 with a temp- erature 0 = 0. The initial temperature and the temperature at the surface z = h can be assumed to be zero. A class of interesting solu- tions of this type can be derived on the basis of following type of solution. Corresponding solutions for the case of a stratified fluid layer of a finite thickness can be obtained rather easily on the basis of the general solution (5). Vertical variations of u as well as az can be taken into account. But in view of the available observational material, these refinements appear somewhat irrelevant at this juncture. 0(x, z, t) = H(t —x/u)0i(x, z) + (1—H(t —x/u))02(t, z), (5) where H(t) is the unit step function and 0i and 02 are functions satisfying the following parabolic equations 301 320! - b , 30 2 0202 (6) 3x 3z2 3t “ dz2 where b = az/u, and 0i(O, z) = 0 02(O, z) = 0 (7) ©i(x, h) = 0 02(t, h) = 0 The boundary conditions at the lower bound- ary z = 0 have to be prescribed in accordance with the temperature or the vertical heat flow there. Of special interest is the stationary solution in the case of a uniform and constant vertical heat flow from below. This solution is given by ©i (x, y) with the boundary condition 30! z = 0 — oca_ —— = q, (8) z ðz where q is the density and c the heat capacity of the fluicl. For an infinitely thick layer, i.e. h — co, the solution 0i satisfying (6) to (8) is given bv Carslaw and Jaeger (1959). 0i (x,z ) = 2q \/bx gcaz ierfc (z/2\/bx), (9) and the temperature at the lower boundary z = 0 is given by 0i (x, 0) 1. 12q Vbx oca 1. 12q QC V— v a„u (10) Written in terms of the corresponding vertical lapse rate y0 = q/Qcaz, equation (10) takes the form 01 (x, 0) = 1. 12y0VbV (11) 178 JÖKULL (4) THE EDDY DIFFUSIVITY AND SUPERADIABATIC TEMPERATURE LAPSE RATES IN THE BOTTOM BOUNDARY LAYER Since the terrestrial heat flow is quite small and varies only from about 0.02 to 0.2 watts/m2, with a global average of 0.06 watts/m2, the question arises whether it has any noticeable influence on the dynamics ancl the temperature field in the bottom boundary layer. In the present context we are more interested in the local structure of the field, since the global in- fluence of the terrestrial heat flow has been discussed elsewhere. For example, the data given by Knauss (1962) indicate that the tem- perature of the deep waters in the Pacific is affected by the flow of heat from the earth’s interior. The Pacific deep water, which fills the Pacific basin from the bottom up to a level of 2,000 to 2,500 m, originates in the Antartic south of 60° S and moves far into the North Pacific. The total distance covered by this current is more than 13,000 km and the average velocity of flow appears to be of the order of 10~3 m/sec. On the passage to the North, the water temperature is raised by a total of about 0.6° C over a distance of 12,000 km giving an average northward gradient of 5 x 10~8° C/m. A simple calculation indicates that the flow of heat from the earth’s interior accounts for the temperature rise in the lowest 300 m of this current. One of the first questions to arise is whether significant superadiabatic temperature lapse rates are possible in the bottom boundary laver, and whether such lapse rates could extencl tens of meters above the floor. Superadiabatic condi- tions on tliis scale could lead to instabilities and noticeable temperature fluctuations. The continuity of the heat flow through the solid-water interface requires that superadiaba- tic lapse rates be present in a thin layer above the ocean floor. The vertical extension of this
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