
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Qupperneq 26

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Qupperneq 26
The average horizontal salinity gradient is thus of the order of yx = — 2 X 10-9 kg/m4. The average vertical salinity gradient between the depths of 3,000 and 4,000 m is of the order of Yz = — 3xl0~5 kg/m4. The thickness of the layer affected by the dilution from above can be estimated at h = 1.5 X 103 m. Using the same average velocity as above equation (12) gives for the vertical eddy diffusivity a value of az = 10-4 m2/sec. It is to be realized that this figure, as well as the above figure obtained on the basis of the temperature gradients, applv to the section between the depths of 3,000 and 4,500 m. It is tempting to use the horizontal tempera- ture gradient at the bottom of the Pacific deep current in order to estimate the vertical eddy diffusivity there on the basis of equations (9) and (10). Here we have to face the problem of the finite thickness of the current and the ver- tical transport of heat from above. However, equation (10) can possibly be applied to the temperature rise near to the origin of the current, since it can be expected that the finite thickness is of less importance there. According to Knauss (1962) the temperature at the depth of 5,000 m increases from the latitude 55° S to that of 40° S by approximately 0.1° C. Using this value in combination with x= 1.8 X 106 m, q = 0.06 watts/m2 and u = 10-3 m/sec. we find on the basis of equation (10) a vertical eddy diffusivity of az = 4.5 X 10-5 m2/sec. Since the depth of the ocean in this region is only slightly in excess of 5,000 m this value should apply to the lowest section of the cur- rent. This estimate is necessarily quite un- certain. The result is subject to the condition that the thickness of the bottom layer affected mainly by the terrestrial heat flow exceeds a certain minimum, which in the present case will be of the order of 1 km. Moreover, the situation in the southernmost part of the Pacific deep current appears to be rather complex. Finally, Knauss (1962) points out that the deep waters in the vicinity of the East Pacific Rise have abnormally high temperatures, which may result from a local terrestrial heat flow anomaly. Data from the depth of 3,000 m indicate a local temperature rise of the order of 0.1 to 0.2° C. The main heat flow anomaly is on an approximately 1,000 km wide strip along the 110° W meridian. The average excess 180 JÖKULL heat flow within the strip appears to be of the order of 0.1 watts/m2. The axis of the maxim- um temperature anomaly in the water appears to be shifted by approximately 2,000 km to the SE of the center axis of the strip. For the purpose of an order of magnitude estimate of the vertical eddy diffusivity in the area, we can approximate the strip by a con- tinuous line source of heat and use the magni- tude of the horizontal shift of the maximum temperature anomaly from the center axis of the heat flow anomaly in order to estimate the coefficient b = az/u. The solution of the dif- fusion equation (3) for the case of a continuous infinitely long line source of the specific strength Q which is placed along the y axis in the lower boundary of a semi-infinite medium, is given by Sutton (1953) Q 0 = --=5T=exp(-z2/4bx), (13) V 2-n-a^x where the same nomenclature has been used as in paragraph (3). The function given in (13) has a maximum for z2 = 2bx. The maximum of the temperature anomaly at a level z is thcre- fore shifted by a horizontal distance of x = z2/2b from the line source. Using the average values of z = 500 m and x = 2,000 km we find a coefficient of b = 0.06 m. Assuming velocities varying from u = 10~3 to 10~2 m/sec. we find the eddy diffusivities of az = 6xl0“5 to 6 x 10~4 m2/sec. The estimates suffer from lack of information on currents in the area. However, since the velocity u in equation (13) represents the average velocity unaffected bv oscillatory motions it appears likely that u is of the same order as the northward velocity of the main deep current. Hence the lower estimate of roughly az = 10~4 m2/sec. appears more likely. This should represent an average for the lowest 500 to 1000 meters. Summing up the above results, we find for the Pacific deep current eddy diffusivities rang- ing from 4.5 X 10~5 to 1.7 X 10-4 m2/sec. The lowest value is found in the lowest section of the current between 55° S and 40° S. These values are about. the average of the values given by Sverdrup (1957), but they are one or two orders of magnitude lower than the values com- puted for the deep Atlantic currents by Wust (1955). The difference may result from the
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