
Jökull - 01.12.1966, Side 35

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Side 35
jOAY/Y£SS SfíACTtos/ Pc 4.2 4 x°-4 (3) Pc 0.96 (Pipe dia g 1 in.) (4) These correlations are shown in Fig. 5 and the extent to which James’ (1955) restdts con- form to them. Table I gives data obtained frorn wells at Hveragerdi and includes the mass flow as esti- mated bv the separation equipment described above. It wdl be observed from Fig. 5 that these results do not correlate well with either equa- tions (3) or (4). In the paper quoted above, Isbin, Moy and Cruz propose a much more sophisticated ap- proach to the problem of predicting mass flow. Proceeding from a theory originally proposed by Linning (1952/3), they assumed that the flow was annular with no core entrainment. 'ölfl.'i f OfíTf) FO.OM R. JfíHES, /$62] Fig. 4. Variation of Dryness Fraction with Critical Pressure. 2 3 4 S ó 7 8 OSYNESS FXfíCTIoM , X L/O/e fí /S SOUfíTloM (4-) ÍW£ 8 /S EQUfír.o.fí (31 • 3 /<V P/P£, 60 psífí. \ fí/eu Z£f)Lfí//D + (o /N P/PE, pc - 4° psía. ( /?. Tfí/ffíS, /462 O 8 /M P/Pe, -P = 20 Ps/a. J A Sfí/ZveLL, /fS7 X /CELfíND Fig. 5. Correlation for Homogeneous Flow. Thus, considering Fig. 6 momentum cont.inuity requires that d(WgVg + WfVf) = - Adp (5) For the vapour, mass continuity requires xGv„ V,= R_ Similarly, for the liquid V, (1 — x)Gvf 1 — R_ (6) (7) Substitution of equations (6) and (7) in (5), differentiating under a condition of constant JÖKULL 189



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