
Jökull - 01.12.1966, Page 40

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Page 40
(ii) The specific kinetic energy of the mix- ture is E = 1/2(x + ÍT_l)vg2 (22) IV^ (iii) For a workless expansion with no heat transfer, continuity of stagnation enthalpy re- quires that h0 — (hf + Vf2/2g0J) r + (Vg2 — Vf2)/2g0J (23) (iv) Regarding K as a constant mean value of slip applicable to the whole expansion, equa- tion (20) gives, after some manipulation _ aVgdQm + QmdVg “ 1 + (K(1-x)Qii,)/q7 where a is a factor of the form (24) 1 Kgg d(log x) a _ Of d(lQg Om) d~ i + (K(i-x)0m)/ef On the same basis, equation (22) yields (25) dE^íL^vv. + 1/2(1-4+)v -p- -de“ R2 do,n (26) (v) As stated above it is assumed that the expansion can be described by the relation (vi) Maximizing G for the critical flow case gives on the basis of equation (24) aVgd6m + emdVg = 0 (31) Eliminating dVg by equation (29), and recogniz- ing that dom is arbitrary we obtain Vgc2 = Ss£- (32) a Since the right hand side of equation (32) is a function of Vg we must recognise this in solving for Vgc. For the total critical mass flow, we find on the basis of equations (20) and (32) that o, = IVí^ = V^ <53) where cp is a flow coefficient of the following form cp : (s-t) (1 + K(1 -^) (34) 0f where the factors s and t are respectively s = t = d(logx) ~| d(!og 0m) J V% (! ■ K- d(log x) / d(log em) \ 1 + K(l-x) (35) pvmn = Constant (27) where n is deemed to be constant. Moreover from equations (16) and (27) one obtains d0„ ( = x) K2 VgdVg + Vz (l from which results 1 K2 )Vg 2 dx d0m dpm (28) VgdVg = — bdpm (29) where b is a factor of the form — )V g2 —+ K2 d6m + x + (!~x) en o 2 ym (30) The above results will now be discussed on the basis of the experimental data given by James (1962). The theoretical results in equa- tion (33) can be compared with the experiment- ally derived equation (1), which gives the mea- sured values of Gc for various values of h0 and p. Furthermore, if thermal equilibrium be- tween the phases is assumed, the latter two quantities can be used to clerive the values of Qg, Qm and x. Hence, an experimental value of the product cpn can be obtained on the basis of equation (33). The two coefficients in this product cannot be separated unless some values are available for e and K. Both quantities are unknown, but there are reasons to believe that e is slightly less than unity, and the slip ratio K is probably in the range 5 to 30 depending on the dryness fraction and other variables. For the purpose of calculation, e can be taken as 194 JÖKULL



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