
Jökull - 01.12.1966, Page 41

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Page 41
unity, and K assumed in this range. A value of n can then be derived on the basis of equation (33). Since the maximum value of e has been assumed, the value of n computed in this way will be a low estimate of the actual expansion coefficient in the experiments of James (1962). An indication of the behavior of the steam is obtained by comparison of this exponent with one of the following five exponents each of which defines a recognized ideal type of expan- sion 1) Supersaturated isentropic expansion, ds = 0, (S) 2) Supersaturated isenthalpic expansion, dh0 = 0, (S) 3) Equilibrium isentropic expansion, ds = 0, (E) 4) Equilibrium isenthalpic expansion, dh0 = 0, (E) 5) Polytropic expansion according to equation (27) with an exponent np calculated on the basis of equation (A. 7) in the appendix. The exponents in (1)—(4) can be calculatecl directly from Steam Tables. Figs. 8, (a)—(f) display the calculated values of n for comparison with the values listed in (l)—(5) above. Inspection of these curves reveals the following items of interest. 1) For Fig. 8a where h0 = 376 Btu/lb, the flow pattern is known (Ryley, 1964) to be annular-mist, whereas for Figs. 8, b—f, it is dispersed. The positions of the curves for Fig. 8a suggest than n is more sensitive to K than in the remaining cases. This is to be expected because of the relatively very low values of x involved. 2) For all the curves, the higher the value of p, the greater is gg and the more finely are liquid masses disrupted by the high accelerative forces towards the exit. The finer the mist, the greater the paddle work done by the steam, the greater the energy dissipation and the lower the value of the exponent n. 3) For a given value of K and x, the void fraction Rg will increase with pressure re- duction and the expansion if rapid will more nearly conform to the ideal index n = 1.3, since liquid volume has a failing influence. 4) As h0 (and therefore x) increases the effect of K on the exponent n will diminish and finally disappear as x approaches unity. 5) The proportional effect of pressure upon the exponent n due to reheating conse- quent on paddle work by the liquid, di- minishes with rising values of h0. 6) In spite of the assumption e = 1, the de- rived coefficient n exceeds np for all as- sumed values of K in the cases of the higher enthalpy values h0 = 578 to 1200 Btu/lb. This indicates that the actual ex- pansivity of the mixture is lower than would be expected on the basis of the above assumptions. The discrepancy can be explained as a result of thermal disequi- librium at the exit. The expansion is too , Figs- 8- (a)-(f). Comparison of Calculated Values of Expansion Exponent with Those for Ideal Expansion Types. JÖKULL 195



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