
Jökull - 01.12.1966, Side 42

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Side 42
eXPONSNT, n EXPoNENT h =S7S SCu.//b. O rapid for equilibrium to be attained be- tween the two phases. Since the value of e almost certainly decreases with decreasing dryness fraction, this explanation is not necessarily contradicted by the fact that n turns out to be smaller than np in the case of the lower enthalpy values. The above conclusions are based upon the general positions and trends of the curves. The analysis presented claims only to deal with first order-of-magnitude effects because it embraces, besides its own limitations, any inaccuracies in the observations made by James. The theory is not adequate to separate the respective effects of friction and thermal disequilibrium. Neverthe- less, it will probably be conceded that the con- clusions (1) to (6) above accord with expecta- tions. FLOW MEASUREMENTS BY DILUTION METHODS The State Electricity Authority, Iceland, to- gether with Vermir sf., of Reykjavik, Iceland, have conducted a research programme to in- vestigate the possible use of dilution methods using salt (NaCl) or argon gas. Difficulties were encountered in obtaining satisfactory mixing, resulting in inconsistent data. This difficulty appears now to have been overcome following alterations of the equipment used. According to preliminary tests the salt-dilution method now gives relatively consistent results with a 196 JÖKULL



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