
Jökull - 01.12.1966, Síða 50

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Síða 50
There are mainly two quantities wliich can be maximized, that is, either the total heat pro- duced, or the discounted profit over a given period. The maximum profit method involves assumptions as to the interest rate, discount period, etc., and we have to admit that we have no universal rules for selecting the suit- able quantities. Hence, optimality may be a rather vague concept. Let us now review the steps in the develop- ment of a geothermal area, either for power generation or building heating purposes. Be- fore intelligent decisions can be made, the geo- thermal engineers have to obtain information on the following main items: (1) Exploration costs, (2) Production costs per unit energy at the consumer as a function of the installed power, (3) Size and elasticity of the marketj (4) Maximum possible power output of the thermal area, (5) Total available energy, i.e. the useful life of the thermal area. We will take a brief look at the problems involved. 3.2) Exploration. The opening up of a geo- thermal prospect involves geophysical explora- tion and test drilling. This work is carried out in order to obtain preliminary data on impor- tant quantities such as the base temperature, pressure, permeability of formations, chemical quality of the fluids, etc. The total costs in- volved in this stage may, in the case of larger projects, be of the order of i/g to one million dollars. The exploratory wells usually account for an overwhelming part of this sum. The allocation of funds for exploration work is alwavs somewhat of a problem, and no general rules are available. The requirements in individual cases differ greatly, and the re- actions of project managers to the various field situations are very individual. The author has had contact with geothermal situations in various parts of the world. His experience is that there is a rather pronounced tendency to underestimate the usefulness of modern geophysical exploration. It is generally much easier to obtain funds for exploratory drilling than for the more sophisticated geo- 204 JÖKULL physical exploration. The result has been that most of the geothermal areas now being ex- ploited are “underexplored” and “overdrilled”. In many cases the funds allocated for ex- ploration have been less than 5% of the total exploration and drilling costs. The author is of the opinion that this does not represent an optimum. There are substantial indications that a relatively greater use of funds for geophysical exploration and shallow temperature probing will reduce the overall exploration and produc- tion drilling costs. Of course, it is impossible to point out definite methods to derive the optimum, but the optimum drilling/geophysical exploration cost ratio may rather be 5 to 10 than 20 to 30. In some cases lack of trained personnel has been the limiting factor. (3.3) Production costs. The production cost is obtained on the basis of design studies which involve optimization in various ways. A part of this work is of a rather common nature, e.g. the optimization of pipe-line diameters, etc., and will not be discussed here. One problem encountered in the petroleum as well as in the geothermal industry, is the number of pro- duction wells that must be drilled for a given power output. As already stated, there is no doubt that some areas have been "overdrilled” because of inadequate well-testing methods. Again we meet the problem of drilling versus testing by physical methods, and again it ap- pears as that we have not derived the optimum allocation of funds. The engineering aspects of the design of geothermal power and heating plants are rather straight-forward and we will not discuss this matter further. (3.4) Poiuer output and the elasticity of the market. In deriving the optimum power to be delivered by a geothermal plant, we meet per- haps the most interesting optimization problem involved. We have to adjust the market to the source available. In general, geothermal areas have a certain capacitance, that is, a reservoir capacity which can be used as a storage. On the other hand, the market demand is a rather variable function of time, mainly in the case of heating plants. For example, heating plants in Iceland have to meet a number of short- term cold spells during the winter. The ratio of the peak demand to the average demancl is 2,5 to 3. The reservoir capacity of the geo-
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