
Jökull - 01.12.1966, Síða 51

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Síða 51
thermal area can, to a limited degree, be used to meet tlie peak demand. The problem of the peak demand can also be met by fuel-fired booster plants which are operated during the peak hours. This has been the practice in the city of Reykjavik for 20 years. Thus, we are able to meet the variable load partially by using the storage capacity of the geothermal area, and partially by operating booster plants. Moreover, in the case of heat- ing plants, it sliould be recognized that the massive concrete houses, such as those built in Iceland, have a considera'ble heat storage capa- city, which also should be taken into account. The geothermal engineer now must derive the optimum operation of the geothermal area, taking into consideration the storage capacity of the area, the heat capacity of the houses, and the possibility of using booster plants. This optimization is mainly of importance when a large market has to be supplied with insufficient geothermal power. The theoretical problem of deriving the optimal policy is a rather formidable task. We are here confronted with a problem which has many aspects in common with the problem of the optimal use of reservoir water in hydro- electric operations. It is beyond the scope of the present paper to present a detailed discus- sion of this problem, which has not yet been given much consideration. According to an elementary investigation, the optimum power output of geothermal lieating plants in Iceland is close to the yearly average of the power demand, which has to be met when the air temperature is 4° C. This figure is derived without regard to the storage capa- city of the geothermal areas, and, moreover, on the assumption of insufficient geothermal power. As a matter of fact, we are unable to tackle this problem without knowing the capacitances and resistances of the geothermal areas. As al- ready stated, these quantities can only be de- rived on the basis of an elaborate well-testing program, in combination with the methods discussed in section (2.3). The deriving of the system function G-^s) is the principal purpose of these studies. The geothermal areas have to undergo a comprehensive pressure-flow testing, and the continuous-fraction method in section (2.3) should theoretically yield the system para- meters. This rnethod has still to be tested. The field testing will invariably involve test pump- ing of borehofes for longer periods. This procedure should afso yield data on the maximum geothermal power available. (3.5) The total energy available. At this very end of the present discussion we will devote a few words to the problem of the total energj’ capacity of geothermal areas. It has been statecl that the total energy avail- able depends on the heat content of the prim- ary and the secondary source rock. From the the theoretical point of view, it is not difficult to define the total energy, and to point out methods to measure this quantity. We have to obtain the subsurface temperature distribution below and around the thermal areas and sum up the available lieat energy by measuring the volume of the source rock. But the energy recovery depends on the hydrological conditions, and, in general, only a fraction of the source energy can be brought to the surface. The efficiency of the recovery, that is, the recovery factor, depends on various circumstances, mainly the geometry of the sub- surface flow system. An elementary theoretical study appears to indicate that only a relatively small fraction of the energy content of flood basalt sources can be recovered, perhaps 10% at most. This is a relatively low figure, but it must be considered that the volume of the source rock is very substantial in many areas. There are hundreds of cubic kilometres avail- able. Tlie studies of the total energy of geothermal areas are still in the very beginning, and a considerable amount of work needs to be done in this field. The main difficulty is that sub- surface temperature data are not easily obtain- ed. Exploratory drilling is the only reliable method, and this is a procedure which requires a very considerable amount of capital. In section (2.2) we have given a very element- ary discussion of the heating mechanism in a source rock composed of flood basalts. The most interesting character of this type of source is the dependence of the available energy on the recovery time. The amount of thermal water which can be produced with a tempera- ture above a certain minimum is proportional JÖKULL 205
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