
Jökull - 01.12.1966, Side 52

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Side 52
to the sqtiare root of the recovery time, if the flow is kept constant. It is obvious that these conditions will again confront us with an optimization problem, that is, the problem of recovering the optimum amount of energy from a given source. A study of this problem is as yet premature, mainly because of the almost complete lack of field data. In order to obtain the long-term tempera- ture behavior of producing geothermal areas, very precise temperature measurements must be made at the well-heads. No suc.h data are available as yet. Moreover, the model presented in section (2.2) is probably too simple for practical pur- poses. One of the main complications is the possibility of short-cuts of cold water into the producing zones during the pumping of wells. This phenomenon has not been observed so far, but it is a real possibility and mav limit the permissible draw-down in wells. But in order to obtain a qualitative feeling for the conditions involved, we may take an elementary look at the problem, and derive the optimum flow policy in the most simple cases. Suppose that we have a source which, at a constant production during a time interval T, will produce a total volume of thermal water of QT11 with a temperature above a certain minimum. The figures Q and n are constants. The tliermal water will be used for heating purposes. After the tirne T the temperature drops below the minimum, and we will assume that the water cannot be utilized at the lower temperature. In the case of the model present- ecl in section (2.2) we have n = í/ó. In the case of a given fixed volume of water we have n = 0. The flow from the source is QTn-1 ancl the discounted total profit, or fuel savings, during the interval T is SQT”-i / exp(— rt)dt = ‘° (6) SQTn-l (1 — exp(— rt))/r, where S is the profit per unit volume, and r is the interest rate. We will assume that the capital requirements of tlie heating plant are proportional to the power, that is, proportional to the flow. In the case of geothermal heating plants this is a fairly goocl assumption. Thus, the total invest- ment will be KQTn-i where K is the invest- ment per unit flow. The time interval T defines the optimaf flow policy, and we have to maximize the following quantity: SQT--1 (1 exp( rT))/r -KQTn-i The maximum is obtained for a T satisfving the equation (1 + Tr/(1 - n)) exp(— rT) = 1 - rK/S. In the case of geothermal heating plants in Iceland the ratio K/S can be assumed to be around 5. This will be the case for thermal water with a temperature of 100° C. In the case of n = i/9 we find that T 1,9/r. At an interest rate of 7% per annum we have an optimum recovery time of 27 years. In the case of a fixecl amount of water, that is. n = 0, we would have obtained T = 16 years. REFERENCE: Bodvarsson, G. 1963. An Appraisal of the Potentialities of Geothermal Resources in Iceland. Tímarit Verkfraedingafél. Islands. Vol. 48, nr. 5, 1-7. — 1966. Direct Interpretation Methods in Ap- plied Geophysics. Geoexploration, Vol. 4, 113-138. 206 JOKULL



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