
Jökull - 01.12.1966, Side 53

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Side 53
SIGURDUR THORARI NSSON : The Age of the Maximum Postglacial Advance of Hagafellsjökul eystri A Tephrochronological Study In my paper “Some Tephrochronological Contributions to the Volcanology and Glacio- logy of lceland” published in 1949 I presented a soil profile measured on the east side of a soil patch situated only a few metres in front of the most advanced terminal moraine of I-Iagafellsjökull eystri, W of the present bed of the river Far (cf. Fig. 1). This profile is shown as profile 2 on Fig. 2. The profile showed that here the soil format.ion had been undis- turbed by ice since the ice margin receded from this place in early postglacial times, thus proving that the terminal moraine which near- ly touches the abovementioned soil patch and was very near the glacier margin in the early 1920ies, marks the maximum extension of Hagafellsjökull eystri in postglacial times. In the triangle between the Far river-beds of 1929 and 1939 and E of Brekknafjöll loessial soil can be seen underneath the ablation mo- raine of the retreating glacier. During my visit to this area in 1948 — 1 was then leading an excursion of Swedish geographers — I observed that layer H4 was undisturbed in the soil, which proved that the erosional power of the glacier had been very limited, but I had no time for a closer look at the soil and conld only tell that the advance of the glacier over it had taken place after the deposition of layer H4, which is 4000 vears old (Thorarins- son 1949). During the summer of 1950 a student expedi- tion from Durham University worked a few weeks in the Hagavatn area. One of the parti- cipants, R. Green, intended to study the varved lake sediments in those parts of the Hagavatn lake basin that had been emptied by the cata- strophic drainages (jökulhlaup) in 1929 and 1939, Fig. 1. Lake Hagavatn and the glacier Hagafells- jökull eystri according to aerial photographs taken 1960 by the Icelandic Sur- vey Department. Broken lines show the max. ex- tension of the glacier in postglacial times. Hagavaln og Hagafells- jökull eystri samkvœmt flugmyndum frá sumrinu 1960. Þyklia brotalinan sýnir m.estu útbreiðslu jökulsins eftir isaldarlok. JÖKULL 207



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