
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Qupperneq 82

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Qupperneq 82
27 h Jupiter (trawler) reports an iceberg at 6547/2653 drifting E-ward. AUGUST 1966 Only some icebergs reported most.ly in the Cape Horn area. 11 //s Cape horn 1200 z: A big iceberg 15— 20 miles NNE off the Lighthouse, 14/8 Snarfari (airplane) 1330 z: Two icebergs sighted at 6620/2500. The third one ab. 20 miles west of Cape Horn. 14/8 Ship PFWG reports at 2400 z: Five big icebergs 8 miles NNE of Cape Horn. Dangerous for ships en route. i7-3°/g ships report almost daily a big ice- berg about 6647/2117 or 6630/2105 85° true 32 miles from Cape Horn. Probably grounded. sl/s HerðubreiÖ M/s 0700 z: Two icebergs sighted at 6635/2017 and 6629/2128. SEPTEMBER 1966 Only a few icebergs reported in coastal wat- ers. 1 /9 DBRC reports two icebergs in pos. 6710/2345 4 naut. miies apart. Numerous growlers drifting SW. Water temp. 3.5° C. 2/g Three reports of a stranded iceberg at ÓSinsboði. ?/» Árvakur M/B 0750: An iceberg within Amdrupboði. Two smaller nearer to the coast. Skriðskeri Slush Collector Frarnh. af 229. bls. (Continued from p. 229) og tíminn nái að vinna að söfnuninni, verða afleiðingarnar vart ofmetnar að óreyndu, ísinn er þá fljótur að hrannast upp, enda er hann rúmmálsfrekur. Þegar áin hefur skorið sig nið- Komið að landi með skriðskera. Ljósrn. (Photo): Davíð Guðnason. Slush Collector brought to the River Bank. ur á ný, er eðlisþungi hinna frauðkenndu hranna, sem eftir standa, nál. 0,6. Skriðskera-mælingu má framkvæma með því að vaða ána, vera í báti eða af brú. Hagkvæmt er að vinna að mælingum frá palli, sem slakað er frá brú og niður að vatnsfleti. ABSTRACT A method is described for measuring the discharge of floating slush in rivers, i. e. the amount of slush in kilograms passing a given cross section per unit time. The measuremenl is performed with a device known as slush collector. It .consists of a rectangular frame of flat steel bars. The frame is held perpendi- cularily to the direction of flow. The upstream edge of the frame is sharpened to ease he cutt- ing of slush clusters. To the frame is fastened a bag of nylon gaze which allows pure water to pass through but retains the slush. The frame is held against the slush flow for a certain time, measured on a stop-watch, after which the de- vice is lifted off the loater, excess water allowed to drain off, and the sample weighed. The frame width is selected according to the amount of slush discharge. Large slush discharge re- quires a narroiu frarne and vice versa. The sampling is repeated at a suitable number of points across the river. To relate the slush discharge to total (ice + water) discharge, the latter is assumed to be determined from a near-by water gauge in the normal fashion. 236 JÖKULL
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