
Jökull - 01.12.1975, Page 3

Jökull - 01.12.1975, Page 3
JOKULL Á R S R I T JÖKLARAN NSÓKNAFÉLAGS ÍSLANDS 25. ÁR REYKJAVÍK 1975 Subglacial Water Reservoirs, Jökulhlaups and Volcanic Eruptions HELGI BJÖRNSSON, SCIENCE INSTITUTE, UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND, REYKJAVIK, ICELAND ABSTRACT Water may accumulate in a reservoir that forms beneath a depression in a glacier surface. The water reservoir will grow unstable. The accumulation will cause a jökulhlaup from the reservoir. Water may also accumulate beneath a slightly inclined or a convex glacier surface. The reservoir will remain stable. A jökulhlaup will not result under these conditions. A depression in the glacier surface may be created by melting above a permanent geo- thermal area. The depression at Grímsvötn in Vatnajökull is a well known example. Jökul- hlaups at Skeidarársandur originate at Gríms- vötn. An ice cauldron which is situatecl 10 km north-west of Grímsvötn is an other example. ]ökulhlaups in the river Skaftá drain from a reservoir wliich is situated beneatli the ice caul- dron. A depression may also be created by a sub- glacial volcanic eruption. The eruption will cause considerable subglacial melting. A depres- sion is formed in the glacier surface if the meltwater drains toivards the glacier rivers. The subglacial waterways around the depression may become sealed. Meltwater would then be trapp- ecl beneath the depression. A dome-shaped sub- glacial ivater reservoir will be formed at the bed of the glacier. Jökulhlaups will occur from the reservoir. Pillow lava and hyaloclastic ma- terials are piled up within such a reservoir during subglacial volcanic eruptions. SYMBOLS g acceleration of gravity z vertical coordinate for glacier elevation zb glacier bed-rock elevation H[ glacier thickness z0 datum level for glacier elevation zs glacier surface elevation zw — zb -f- Hw, elevation of the top surface of a subglacial water layer JÖKULL 25. ÁR 1 LAÍ •jKAoAFN



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