
Jökull - 01.12.1975, Síða 24

Jökull - 01.12.1975, Síða 24
Fig. 2. As heat conduction and diffusion follow the same rules, a case of the former is used here. Temp- erature v (T in the main text) in a slab — 1 < x < 1 with constant heat produc- tion at the rate A0 heat units per unit of volume, and zero surface temperature. The numbers on the curves are values of k • t/12, where t is the time. After Carslaw and Jaeger, 1959, Fig. 20. The figure corresponds to diffus- ion of a daughter element from an isotropic mineral plate if surface concentra- tion is kept at zero. We have only to replace k by the re- spective coefficient D of dif- fusion, and v or T by the concentration C of the daughter element, whose rate of production is A0. The 0-2 0-4 0-6 0'8 1-0 x/l figure shows how the increase in C anywhere in the plate slows down with time, to reach a limited maximum, Cmax, for infinite time. For the central plane that maximum corresponds to vmax = A012/2K in the figure. Mynd 2. Hitaleiðsla og efnisdreifing (diffusion) í fösta efni fylgja sama stœrðfrceðilögmáli. Þess vegna er hœgt að nota þessa mynd af varmaleiðslu út úr plötu, sem i er jöfn og jafndreifð varmaframleiðsla, A0 á rúm- og timaeiningu. Hitanum er liér haldið föstum á yfirborðinu, x/l — 1, x = fjarlægð frá miðju plötunnar. Þetta dæmi svarar alveg til jafndreifðrar og jafnrar framleiðslu dótturefnis i plötunni, ef magninu á rúmeiningu er haldið föstu við yfirborð. Vegna tapsins til hliðanna er dreifing C á hverjum tima t eins og línurnar sýna. Magnið vex hcegar og hœgar, vegna þess að tapið eykst, uns náð er vissu hámarki. í miðri plötu svarar það til hita- hámarksins vmaw = A0l2/2K á myndinni| þar sem K er varmaleiðslustuðull. Þar sem hálf plötu- þykktin er i öðru veldi, verður þelta hámark i v eða C að öðru jöfnu 100 sinnum hcerra í cm- plötu en í mm-plötu. I örþunnum krystalhimnum getur dótturefni því miklu síður vaxið i réttu hlutfalli við timann en í krystalþlötum í grófkrystölluðu bergi. perature Tmax increases with the square of the thickness of the slab. It is further clear, cf. Fig. 2, that as the temperature gradient towards the surface increases in a given case, the heat loss increases, while the heat production within the slab is constant. Flence, the rise of the central temperature slows down with time. This is shown by the temperature curves for certain values of the quantity k • t/12. With increasing time t, the curves for k • t/12 = 0.02 .... 0.1 .... 1.0 ..... co are seen to rise slower and slower. k =------is the thermal diffusivity, the p-c dimension of which is cm2/sec, p = density of the slab material, and c its specific heat. K ancl K are numerically very similar for most rock materials, but they clearly have different dimen- sion. The development shown in Fig. 2 is quite independent of T0. For convenience we put T0 = 0 above, but the full formula for Tmax is 22 JÖKULL 25. AR
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