
Jökull - 01.12.1975, Side 26

Jökull - 01.12.1975, Side 26
Interstitial glass as carrier of the argon can probably be excluded, as it is a slowly cooled glass, cf. Section 2. d) Equilibrium of a daughter element in a mineral assemblage. In relation to single-crystal dating, we have sofar only considered single minerals, of the shape of a sphere or a plate, containing a radioactive mother element. The calculation of the loss of a daughter element woulcl naturally be complicated very much by going over to the shapes of real rock minerals. When D is not zero, a daughter element will ooze out especially at sharp corners and edges. But the importance of the size remains, the loss must be taken to be in the first instance in- verse to the square of the diameter of the crystal. We shall now take into account that a vol- canic or metamorphic rock is, as a rule, an as- semblage of minerals, some species (the “pro- ductive” ones) containing a radioactive mother element, the others (the “receptive” ones) not. But each species has its own value of diffusivity for the particular daughter e'ement, ancl each species occurs in various shapes and sizes. The daughter element under consideration will then ooze out of the productive species, most rapidly from the smallest crystals, and it diffuses into the receptive species, the concentration here increasing most rapidly in the smallest crystals. We shall here still assunie that interstitial groundwater does not exist. (Stagnant ground- water rnight also be included in the considera- tion, but we prefer to leave out the accompany- ing complications here). During the slow rise of concentration in the productive minerals — reminding in principle of Fig. 2 — a kind of equilibrium with the con- centration in the surrounding receptive species is established. In detail this equilibrium distribu- tion of the element will depend on the various diffusivity coefficients, and the sizes and shapes of the crystals. If the rock uncler consideration is relatively deeply buried, or if it forms a large rnass, rela- tively little loss from its centre will occur. This corresponds to a rise of C0 and Cmax for the individual productive minerals. If by drilling, samples for dating are obtained ftom a central 24 JÖKULL 25. ÁR part of such a mass, almost the total quantity of the respective daughter element, produced dur- ing the lifetime of the rock, might still be pre- sent. But it is distributed among all the minerals of the rock. Then, it is not sufficient to measure the ratio of mother- to daughter-element in a productive mineral, the whole content of both elements in a representative sample of the rock must be measured and then, by consideration of volumes, concentrated in the productive miner- als. Another way of getting samples from within rock masses, is to sample from walls, formed by heavy glacial erosion during the Pleistocene. This has also application in connection with whole-rock dating. When groundwater circula- tion is left out of consicleration, as we have clone sofar in d), deep burial (apart frorn temperature effects) aids the retention of argon within the rocks, and in areas where deep sections have recently been formed by gfacial work, higher ages than elsewhere may be expected. The ages of about 12 My in the basalts of the Eastern Fjords in Iceland, in contrast to 1—3 My in the inland flat area of the Fljótsdalsheidi (Einars- son, 1971), may largely be due to this pheno- menon, because the Eastern Fjords are just such an area in which heavy dissection and removal of rocks took place in Pleistocene time. An age difference of 10 My between the two areas is highly questionable, as they belong to a lava sequence in which there are no erosional uncon- formities (cf. 1. c.). e) Geological considerations. We have considered two extremes: 1) separate productive minerals, surrouncled by a medium (flowing groundwater) which ensures constancy of Cn at the surface of the minerals, and 2) a mineral assemblage without an interstitial medium. In the latter case it was seen to depend on the size of the rock mass itself, or the depth of its burial, how far the daughter element will be retained within the rock, although distributed unevenly among the minerals. The geological reality must be taken to lie between these extremes. Groundwater is gener- ally present below a shallow depth, and above an uncertain level where pressure has made the rocks almost or entirely impervious to water. The volume of groundwater in such a dense



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