
Jökull - 01.12.1981, Blaðsíða 7

Jökull - 01.12.1981, Blaðsíða 7
released at a crack in the direction perpendi- cular to it. The triple point intersections at 120° have originated there by the process of continuous fracture growth, out of an initial single fracture. Experiments in glass have led to interpretation of this kind (.Ernsberger 1960). It seems likely therefore that these discon- tinuities have formed originally as fractures. Hovvever the lack of strongly developed sets of fractures might suggest a weak or complicated stress field at the time of formation. This field may have existed at a fairly advanced stage of cooling when the temperature distribution 'vould hav’e been less even, and also when im- perfections already developed on the major joint surfaces could have acted as stress con- centrators in the generally lower stress field. Ihere is evidence on the cut surfaces that fractures grow inwards from the prism edges in this way. Very similar fracture patterns have been observed in cooling lava blocks in aa lava from the 1980 eruption of Hekla. Origin of the bonding rnaterial In the Icelandic rocks the primary ntinerals are generally fresh but the interstitial glassy patches often show alteration. The apparent „weathering rind“ referred to above proves in thin section to be mainly due to alteration of the glassy patches to ferric iron rich products. VVhere the discontinuities cut through glassy patches they have the much rnore irre- gular form and the result is to produce a more sinuous discontinuity with „necking" and fluffy edges (Fig. 3 (b)). These observations indicate that the original fractures have not been ex- posed to subaerial weathering for very long and that the interstitial glass is largely the source material of the bonding secondary minerals. It seems very probable that the alteration of the glass occurred during a low temperature hydrothermal stage producing a variety of amorphous material and smectite and vermiculite. In the Icelandic examples hvaloclastic deposits are associated with the lavas (Friðleifsson 1973) solution of which could also account for part of the bonding material. It is envisaged therefore that the rocks are occupied by low temperature geothermal fluids while still retaining small residual stresses. Such conditions present a chemical environment in which further fracture deve- lopment may well be enhanced. The process of stress corrosion has been well studied in ceramics (Wiederhorn 1972) and more recently in rocks (Anderson and Grew 1977). This envisages that fracture extension can occur at stresses well below the theoretical threshold if a chemical reaction at the fracture tip reduces bonding. Experiments suggest that only very low residual stresses would be necessary (,Speidel 1971). There is evidence of incipient fracturing in about 20% of the rocks dealt with in this paper. This tends to support the idea of a low stress, partly chemical fracturing process in the past. Relevance to present day wealhering One of the most obvious changes in the bonded material is the oxidation of the iron. This is restricted to the areas near the prism edges or in sonle cases to a thin zone at the junction between the bonding material and the rock. Access of water and dissolved oxygen is probably restricted to these sites. New fractures are fairly widespread in all the rocks within the bonding material. These normally begin near the prism edges and ex- tend inwards. There is sometimes a red coat- ing along the new fractures which suggests that fracturing precedes oxidation of the iron. The new fractures could be interpreted as tension fractures, perhaps related to fluctuat- ing hydration states of the clay content. The transverse lines encountered in some cases (Fig. 3 (d)) may also be some kind of drying crack, subsequently oxidised. Examination of the scree fragments downslope shows that they have developed to a very considerable extent by failure along the discontinuities. The development of fractures just behind the „weathering rind“ on some prism faces in the Icelandic rocks may have been caused by small scale stress changes connected with the reduction of density in the weathered zone but JÖKULL 31.ÁR 5
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