
Jökull - 01.12.1981, Side 29

Jökull - 01.12.1981, Side 29
^STYKKIS- 'lmur hellissa SNAEFELLSJÖKULL t / 10.0 / 5.0 2.5 7 /V , / i •'iVV’ -»w. , 1,5 './j.’ a'RUNOAH -]’> f'/< jÍLAF S»/5 / '4£°iR0UR//T'>£!ft}| %i / / x.« /./ 'Y / / L / / A / / v . Z, • 6» • YC 'I -s# #te7> * •" -* —r t:—' legend Thickness in cm 2-0- Isopach in cm Figure 5. Distribution of Sn-3. J. Mynd. Útbreiðsla Sn-3 á Snœfellsnesi. some reason or another, the layer has not been found west of Ólafsvík. Its thickness at Ólafs- vík is still 19.5 cm and thus the layer should be expected to be found further west. A minor irregularity is present and is seen in the 1.0 cm isopach which has a more easterly trend than the others. This could be explained either as being caused by local weather conditions i. e. topographic effect on low altitude wind, or as being an indication of a changing wind direc- tion during the course of the eruption. Similar irregularities were observed for the other two layers and this point will be discussed further later. The maximum grain size is about 6 cm close t0 the volcano but there the average grain size is about 1—2 cm. The layer is light-coloured, consisting of frothy pumice and ash, usually well sorted, but dark glass fragments of a similar size are common. Sn-2 The middle layer, Sn-2, is found at depths of 15—120 cm. The layer is found east of the volcano and was traced as far as Alftafjördur. On the other hand it does not exist in situ west of the volcano and seems to have similar dis- tribution pattern as Sn-1. Sn-2 was identified in profile 43 west of the volcano but there the layer is vvithout doubt water-transported be- cause the grains are rounded. It is suggested that the tephra was transported by meltwater burst from the ice-cap. The axis of maximum thickness is not easily defined but appears to be between north and northeast (Fig. 4). Considerable deviation is observed from the main trend in that the 5.0, 2.5 and 1.0 cm isopachs have a trend close to N75°E. The layer is light-coloured and consists of frothy pumice and ash. The grain size is close to 1 — 2 cm at Ólafsvik but drops to 0.2 cm or JÖKULL 31. ÁR 27 Álfla f jöt'
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