
Jökull - 01.12.1992, Blaðsíða 15

Jökull - 01.12.1992, Blaðsíða 15
SEISMIC CRUSTAL STRUCTURE ALONG THE AXARFJÖRÐUR TROUGH AT THE EASTERN MARGIN OF THE TJÖRNES FRACTURE ZONE, N-ICELAND Erik Sturkell Nordic Volcanological Institute, University oflceland, 101 Reykjavík, lceland Bryndís Brandsdóttir, Science Institute, University oflceland Dunhaga 5,107 Reykjavík Hideki Shimamura and Masashi Mochizuki, Laboratory for Ocean Bottom Seismology, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060, Japan abstract A refraction survey along the easternmost trough within the Tjörnesfracture zone on the N-Iceland shelf 'eveals a major sedimentary sequence. The sedimen- tary layers are horizontal and as thick as 2.3 km. The sedimentary sequence consists of an approximately l km thick upper part, separated from the lower part by a clear interface. This interface can he traced along the profile, but in the south-east part ofthe profile the mterface is buried by higher velocity sediments. This wedge thins outfrom the coast, and is interpreted as toarse material of near-glacier origin. The sedimen- tuiy pile is deposited on an igneous basement with a T-wave velocity of4.3 kmts. The age ofthis basement ls 22-4.4 Ma based on sedimentation rates. At the t’ansitionfrom the sediments to the basement there is a distinct velocity discontinuity, with a steep velocity g’adient. Layer 3 is at depth of 5.5-6.0 km below sea bed, along the profile. This is deeper thanfor the nor- tnal oceanic crust. The uppermost part ofLayer 3 is ln the depth range observed for the normal Icelandic crust. INTRODU CTION Iceland is located at the junction between the Reykjanes ridge in the south and the Kolbeinsey ridge in the north (Figure 1). In Iceland, the Mid-Atlantic plate boundary shifts to the east, towards the station- ary hot spot located below the central eastem volcanic zone. The transform motion is taken up by two major fracture zones, the South-Iceland seismic zone and the Tjömes fracture zone offshore northern Iceland. Both these fracture zones are structurally complex and are primarily delineated by seismic activity. The Tjömes fracture zone (TFZ) is a broad zone of transform faulting which shifts the axial rift zone in northern Iceland to the west, where it continues along the Kolbeinsey ridge. Its existence was orig- inally inferred from earthquake distribution and fo- cal mechanisms along the Mid-Atlantic ridge (Sykes 1967; Ward 1971). Geological and bathymetric data show that the TFZ is more complex than its coun- terparts on the Mid-Atlantic ridge, as it incorporates active N-S trending troughs and volcanic ridges within the E-W trending zone. The approximately 120 km JÖKULL, No. 42, 1992 13
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