
Jökull - 01.12.1992, Blaðsíða 24

Jökull - 01.12.1992, Blaðsíða 24
ment/basalt interface are analogous to typical up- per crustal P-velocities in Iceland. A velocity of 6.8 km/s at a depth of 5-6.5 km best fits the data, which indicates that the deepest traveling rays sample the uppermost part of Layer 3. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The fieldwork was carried out by Barði Þorkels- son, Bryndís Brandsdóttir, Erik Sturkell, Gunnar Guðmundsson, Hajime Shiobara, Hideki Shima- mura, Jósep Hólmjárn, Kristján Jónasson, Masashi Mochizuki, Ragnar Stefánsson, and the ship crew of M/V Týr of the Icelandic Coast Guard. We thank the families at Núpskatla, Leirhöfn, Núpur, Gilhagi, Astjörn, Máná, Reynihlíð and Argerði for their aid and hospitality during the fieldwork. This research was supported by the Japan and Icelandic National Science Foundations and Icelandic Coast Guard. Re- views by Ágúst Guðmundsson, Freysteinn Sigmunds- son, Karl Gunnarsson, and Páll Einarsson improved the manuscript. REFERENCES Báth, M. 1960. Crustal structure of Iceland. J. Geo- phys.Res. 65: 1793-1807. Bjarnason, Ingi Þ., W.H. Menke, Olafur G. Flóvenz, and D. Caress. 1993. Tomographic image of the spreading center in southem Iceland. J. Geophys. Res. 98: 6607-6622. Björnsson, Axel, Kristján Sæmundsson, Páll Einars- son, Eysteinn Tryggvason, and Karl Grönvold. 1977. Current rifting episode in North Iceland. Nature 266: 318-323. Einarsson, Páll. 1976. Relative location of earth- quakes within the Tjörnes fracture zone. Soc. Sci. Islandica Greinar V: 45-60. Einarsson, Páll. 1991. Earthquakes and present-day tectonism in Iceland. Tectonophysics 189: 261- 279. Eiríksson, Jón, Andrés I. Guðmundsson, and Leifur Á. Símonarson. 1987. Setmyndun í Tjömesbrota- beltinu í ljósi kjarnaborunar i Flatey á Skjálfanda (The sediment sequence in Tjörnes fracture zone revealed by the drill core from Flatey at the Skjálf- andi Bay). Science Institute, University of Ice- land, Professional Paper, RH-07-87, 77 pp. (in Icelandic). Flóvenz, Olafur G. 1980. Seismic structure of the Icelandic crust above layer three and the relation between body wave velocity and the alteration of the basaltic crust. J. Geophysics 47: 211-220. Flóvenz, ÓlafurG., andKarl Gunnarsson. 1991. Seis- mic crustal structure in Iceland and surrounding area. Tectonophysics 189: 1-17. Gebrande, H., H. Miller, and Páll Einarsson. 1980. Seismic structure of Iceland along RRISP-profile I../. Geophysics 47: 239-249. Guðmundsson, Ágúst, S. Brynjólfsson, and M. Þ. Jónsson. 1993. Structural analysis of a transform fault-rift zone junction in North Iceland. Tectono- physics (in press). Gunnarsson, Karl, Margrét Kjartansdóttir, Jón Eiríks- son, and Leifur Á. Símonarson. 1984. Rannsókn- arborun í Flatey á Skj álfanda, Hola FL-1 (Research drilling in Flatey in the Skjálfandi Bay, Well FL- 1). Orkustofnun, OS-84052/JHD-10, Reykjavik, 75 pp. (in Icelandic). Jónsson, Geirfinnur, Leó Kristjánsson, and Marteinn Sverrisson. 1991. Magnetic surveys of Iceland. Tectonophysics 189: 229-247. Klein, F.W. 1978. Hypocenter location program HY- POINVERSE part 1: Users guide to versions 1,2, 3, and 4. U.S.G.S., Open-file Report 78-694, pp. 113. McMaster, R.L., J-G.E. Schilling, and P.R. Pinet. 1977. Plate boundary within Tjömes fracture zone on northem Iceland’s insular margin. Nature 269: 663-668. Pálmason, Guðmundur. 1963. Seismic refraction in- vestigation of the basalt lavas in northem and east- ern Iceland. Jökull 13: 39-60. Pálmason, Guðmundur. 1971. Crustal structure of Iceland from explosion seismology. Soc. Sci. Is- landica Rit XL: 187 pp. Pálmason, Guðmundur. 1974. Insular margins of Ice- land. In: C.A. Burke and C.L. Drake (Editors). Geology of Continental Margins. Springer, New York, 375-379. 22 JÖKULL, No. 42, 1992
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