Orð og tunga - 01.06.2013, Side 140
Orð og tunga
associated with the description of flames, the sun (sunrise/sunset),
copper, and the color of hair (see ROH for examples).
The term appelsínugulur that is most commonly used now, first ap-
peared during the middle of the twentieth century (see ROH for old-
est examples), and, just like the loanword appelsína, it caught on much
faster than the Icelandic creation glóaldin. In terms of frequency, the
color term appelsínugulur outnumbers glóaldinrauður 'red like an or-
ange/ for which ROH lists only one example from 1966. Occurrences
of appelsínurauður 'red like an orange' also exist (ROH), but are less
frequent than appelsínugulur.
In an informal survey taken by a small number (6) of Icelanders,
participants were asked to list any other Icelandic color terms which
they might use instead of appelsínugulur for the color orange.19 Two par-
ticipants did not list any alternatives. One mentioned rauðgulur and
"órans” 'orange/ another órans, rauðgulur, gulrauður, and appelsínulitur
'orange-colored'; the third dökkgulur 'dark-yellow/ Ijósrauður Tight-red/
sólarlag 'sundown/ and roði 'redness/blush/ and the fourth rauðgulur
and appelsinurauður.20 The use of órans may suggest that Icelandic is
beginning to incorporate a true basic color term - clearly a loan word
- instead of a compound term for the color orange. The fact that one of
the participants put the term into quotation marks, however, indicates
that the term is likely considered uncommon.21 Since appelsínugulur is
well established, it is doubtful that órans should become predominant.
19 The survey had four major parts. First, participants (of varying genders, ages and
educational backgrounds) were shown pictures of different objects and color pal-
ettes. The objects and palettes were yellow, orange, red, or shades thereof. The par-
ticipants were only allowed to describe the objects as 'yellow/gidur' or 'red/rauður.'
In the second part, the same pictures were shown. This time participants should
write down any Icelandic color term they would úse to describe the objects in
question. Next, participants were asked to indicate which squares of a detailed
color palette they considered orange (English) and appelsínugulur (Icelandic). Last-
ly, participants answered the question whether they thought the fruit orange was
named after the color or vice versa, and listed Icelandic color terms besides appel-
sínugulur which they might use for the English term orange. They were instructed
to arrange their answers from 'most likely to use' to 'least likely to use.'
20 Of these answers, sólarlag and roði should definitely be eliminated since they are
not adjectives. Appelsínulitur can be a variant of the adjective appelsínulitaður 'or-
21 The term is not included in the Islensk orðabók (IO 2007) or any online database. A
larger survey (possibly online) would be needed to determine if órans is in fact en-
tering the Icelandic lexicon. During time spent in Iceland, the author of this article
has, however, never heard or seen the term órans used in conversation or writing,
which suggests that such a survey may not be fruitful or valuable.