Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 01.07.2003, Page 59
Call for registration:
3.- 5. október 2003
Care Without Walls
Norrænt samstarf hjúkrunarfræðinga um börn
Föstudagur 3. október
09.00-15.00 Árlegurfulltrúafundur NoSB
17:00-19:00 Skráning og móttaka á Kjarvalsstöðum
08:00-8:30 Skráning heldur áfram í andyri Háskólabíós
08:30-9:00 Setningarathöfn
09:00-9:35 Aðalerindi - The growing need for children’s
and adolescents’ mental health care. Páll Biering
09:35-09:50 Kaffihlé
09:50-11:00 Erindi í aðalsal:
The developing child: Creating opportunities for
H- Researching with children and hearing their
voices: Sharing lessons from the field. Prófessor
Bernie Carter
- Have fun all day - safe play: An accident
prevention program for nursery school children.
Hanne Lise Gronkjær
11:05-12:00 Málstofurog vinnusmiðjur:
- Stofa A - Children’s and adolescents’ experience
of illness and hospitalization.
- Stofa B - Evaluation, documentation and training in
modern health care of children and families.
- Smiðja C - Working with twin-parents:
Presentation of video (VCR) recordings from
meetings with parents and discussions on the
effectiveness of the intervention.
12:00-13.10 Hádegismatur-Sýning og veggspjaldakynning
13:10-14:25 Erindi í aðalsal:
The child and its family: Creating passages
from the hospital to the outer world.
- Information for parents at the time of discharge
from the hospital. Kari Raaum Hovde
- Transitioning the healthy pre-term infant from
gavage to full oral feeding: Creating opportunities
for positive feeding experience. Suzanne Thorey
14:25-14:45 Kaffihlé og veggspjaldakynningar
14:45-16:00 Málstofur og vinnusmiðjur:
- Stofa D - Home care of children and their families.
- Stofa E - Quality issues in the health care of
children and families: The perspectives of the
- Smiðja F - Breaking through the walls: Accessing
children’s voices and experiences - lessons from
research and nursing practice.
16:05-17:00 Málstofur
- Stofa G - Adolescents' experiences: Issues of
health and illness.
- Stofa H - Neonatal care issues in life and death
situations: Caring for the whole family.
- Stofa I - Pain and related issues in child health
19:00-22:30 Hátíðarkvöldverður og skemmtun
Creating a creative community of nurses and
health care professionals working with children
Sunnudagur 5. oktoöer
08:00-8:15 Safnast saman í Háskólabíói
08:15-9:25 Erindi í aðalsal
Administration of health care to the child
and its family in a changing society:
Creating passages from home to hospital.
- Helping parents of hospitalized children: The nurse
parent support model. Margaret S. Miles
- A change of plans: The birth of a child with Down
Syndrome. Marcia Van Riper
09:25-09:40 Kaffihlé og veggspjaldakynning
09:45-11:00 Málstofur og vinnusmiðjur:
- Stofa J - The effect of chronic and fatal illnesses on
children and theirfamilies.
- Stofa K - The access to health care and health care
information in modern health care of children and their
- Smiðja L - Strategies for teaching genetics from a
family perspective.
11:05-12:00 Málstofur
- Stofa M - Evidence based health care of children and
their families in acute care settings.
- Stofa N - The power of information: Implementation,
communication and the Internet.
- Stofa O - Promotion of parenting in the primary health
care setting.
12:00-13.15 Hádegismatur- Sýning og veggspjaldakynning
13:15-14:25 Erindi í aðalsal:
Modern lifestyles of children and families:
Commitment to partnership.
- Developing sexual- and reproductive health services
for adolescents. Sóley S. Bender
- European child health indicators and implication for
the Nordic countries. Geir Gunnlaugsson
14:25-14:50 Kaffihlé og veggspjaldakynning
14:50-16:05 Málstofurog vinnusmiðjur:
- Stofa P - Ethical issues and the long-term commitment
to the care of children and their families in the
- Stofa Q - Health promotion of school-aged children:
Issues of modern lifestyles of children and their families.
- Smiðja R - Children’s participation in the decision-
making process during hospitalization.
- Smiðja S — An intervention to regulate infants’ sleep
problems: A case study of sleep-disturbed twin-infants.
16:10-16:50 Lokaathöfn - Samantekt
Care without walls - fiction or possibility: Creating
a synchronized health care system for children and
their families in the Nordic countries.
16:50-17:00 Lokaávarp
17:00-18:00 Heimsókn á nýja Barnaspítala Hringsins við LSH
(Þarf að bóka I síðasta lagi á laugardag hjá ráðstefnuskrifstofu
eöa við skráningu, kostar 1.000kr).
Nánari upplýsingar um verð og skráningu:
The third Nordic Conference of NoSB 2003, c/o
Your Host in lceland
Bankastræti 10 , P.O.Box41, IS-121 Reykjavík.
Sími: 551 1730, fax: 551 1736, GSM: 692 1730
eða farið á heimasíðu okkar www.nosb2003.hi.is