
Jökull - 31.12.2001, Page 7

Jökull - 31.12.2001, Page 7
Geomorphology of Odáðahraun leading to meltwater accumulation within the Gríms- vötn caldera lake, causing regular glacial bursts onto Skeiðarársandur in the south. Catastrophic floods in the north, however, are distinctively less frequent than towards Skeiðarársandur in the south (Tómasson, 1973; Björnssonand Einarsson, 1991. Geomorphological evidence of past floods can , be seen throughout the surroundings of Vatnajök- ull, primarily along Jökulsá á Fjöllum and the Ás- byrgi canyon. Elíasson (1977) reports three prehis- toric flood events in the Jökulsá river canyon: 4600 BP, 3000 BP and 2000 BP. Written records kept by local farmers in the area indicate that at least eight jökulhlaups have taken place between 1477 and 1934 (Björnsson and Einarsson, 1991). The most recent major jökulhlaup in the north occurred in 1729 (ísaks- son, 1985). The gauging records of Jökulsá á Fjöllum operated by the National Energy Authority indicate 16 minor jökulhlaup events in the period 1976-2002 (National Energy Authority 2001). The latest eruption under Vatnajökull in Decem- ber 1998 was not associated with flooding. The erup- tion took place inside the Grímsvötn caldera and did not melt enough ice to produce a jökulhlaup. An ear- lier fissure eruption in November 1996 in Gjálp, north of Grímsvötn, produced large amounts of meltwater and resulted in a jökulhlaup towards the south. Guð- mundsson et al. (1997) pointed out that an eruption slightly further north would have resulted in a jök- ulhlaup on the northern margin of the Vatnajökull. Traces of meltwater from two small cauldrons at the southeastern caldera rim of Bárðarbunga, were also detected in Jökulsá á Fjöllum (Kristmannsdóttir et al., 1999). It is widely acknowledged that the area is en- tering a period of renewed volcanic activity (Larsen et al., 1998), and this potential threat calls for better un- derstanding of geoecological conditions in the north. Aeolian processes Our study region is almost entirely devoid of vege- tation or well-developed soil cover, though eroding steep-edged remnants of loess-type soil, rofabörð, can be found in sheltered spots. Arnalds (1992b) has mon- itored rofabörð erosion in the field, and a nationwide project by the Agricultural Research Institute (RALA) has classified erosion into five categories based on the severity of the process (Arnalds et al., 1997). Aeolian sand is abundant throughout the study area, filling cracks and depressions on the lava fields, and blanketing the sandur between Askja and Dyngju- jökull. This sand only rarely forms distinctive dune formations, probably due to the highly irregular and rough terrain, and to inadequate sediment input rela- tive to the weak trapping efficiency of the scant veg- etation. Thick sand beds do occasionally form in places favourable for sediment deposition, however, and these may evolve into proper dunes, often cov- ered with sparse lyme grass (Elymus arenarius) and fescue species (Festuca sp.). At the northern mar- gin of the current study region, advancing fronts of thick wind-blown sediment bury vegetation, threaten- ing the surrounding pasturelands and human commu- nities. The extensive dune fields near the Nýjahraun lava flow are partly vegetated, and the southern stoss faces of dunes are often grass covered and gently slop- ing, while the northem slip faces are typically steep, barren, and wind scoured (Figure 2). MATERIALS AND METHODS A floating Landsat TM quarter scene, acquired on 1992-07-14 and covering an area of ca. 135x70km was used for constructing a land cover map for the study area. Of the total of seven bands available from the TM sensor, we used the following four bands in the image analysis: 2(green, 520-600nm), 4(near infra-red, 760-900 nm), 5 (middle infra-red, 1550- 1750nm), and 7 (middle infra-red, 2080-2350 nm). The inspection of individual TM bands revealed sub- stantial striping in the visible wavelength bands 1, 2 and 3. As they are also highly correlated, only one visible band (TM 2; green) was included in the clust- ering. Infra-red bands were included in the analy- sis due to their suitability for vegetation discrimina- tion, soil moisture determination and mineral and rock type identification. At the time, the digital elevation model was still under preparation and hence, no to- pographic normalisation was performed for the data. As land cover characteristics in this remote area are poorly understood, we were unable to conduct a su- pervised classification of the image. Instead, we per- JÖKULL No. 51 5
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