Jökull - 31.12.2001, Page 20
Maciej Dgbski
Figure 2. Geomorphological
sketch of the Fláajökull marginal
zone based on an aerial photo-
graph from 1989 (D^bski et al.,
1998). 1) ice surface, 2) ice sur-
face covered with morainic mat-
erial, 3) frontal moraine ridge,
4) ground moraine, 5) current
proglacial rivers, 6) abandoned
beds of proglacial rivers, 7)
earlier outwash plain, 8) alluvial
cone, 9) lakes, 10) rock outcrops,
11) profile presented in Figure 3.
- Landmótunarkort afjarðmynd-
unum við sporð Fláajökuls. 1)
jökullinn, 2) jaðarurð, 3) jökul-
garðar, 4) botnurð, 5) árfarvegir,
6) þurrir árfarvegir, 7) eldri
farvegir, 8) aurkeila, 9)vötn, 10)
berggrunnur, 11) staðsetning
sniðs á 3. nrynd.
homepage of the National Energy Authority, (ftp://-
2. Comparison of a scale 1:50 000 map based on aerial
photographs taken in 1946 (US Army Map Service,
1949) and an aerial photograph from 1989.
3. Data from glaciological measurements and histor-
ical data published by Ahlmann and Thorarinsson
(1937), Thorarinsson (1943) and Denton (1975).
4. New lichenometric measurements performed in
2000, details of which are given below.
5. Supplementary calculations of varves in clay sedi-
ments of a dry lake between moraine ridges II and III.
6. Additional information concerning neighbouring
glaciers and use of lichenometry in southern Iceland
(Bradwell, 2001; Jaksch, 1975; Gordon and Sharp,
1983; Kirkbridge and Dugmore, 2001; Snorrason,
1984; Maizels and Dugmore, 1985; Thompson and
Jones, 1986; Thompson, 1988; Evans etal., 1999).
7. Data on climate change in Iceland (Einarsson,
1993; Gudmundsson, 1997).
18 JÖKULLNo. 51