
Jökull - 31.12.2001, Síða 21

Jökull - 31.12.2001, Síða 21
Dating ofthe Fláajökull moraine ridges AD 2000 1980 1960 1940 1920 1900 --------glaciological measurements — ------ data lacking --------data uncertain \ 1965 1920/25 4'■“1913 ~~~~ 1907 1894 Figure 3. Cross-section along the Flólmsárgarðurprofile and recession of Fláajökull in the 2i)th century. Draw- ing based on a stereoscopic pair of aerial photographs taken in 1989. - Hörfun Fláajökuls frá 1894 samkvœmt sniði við Hólmsárgarð. RECESSION OF FLÁAJÖKULL Age of ridges I, II, III. The maximum position of Icelandic glacier fronts dates back to the end of the Little Ice Age (LIA), the period between 1850 and 1930 (Gudmundsson, 1997). Ahlmann and Thorarinsson (1937) and Thor- arinsson (1943) identify 1882-1892 as a period in which Fláajökull reached its maximum. Recession began in 1894 and Evans et al. (1999) have pro- vided lichenometric dates of 1870-1894 for the oldest moraines of Fláajökull. Recent work of Kirkbridge and Dugmore (2001) demonstrated that lichenome- try can underestimate the age of glacial landforms in south Iceland by > 100 yrs. However, it seems that this does not apply to the Fláajökull moraine ridges. Between 1894-1903 the glacier front underwent recession of about 500 m, and from 1903 to 1930, it retreated an additional 400 m along the Hólmsá river (Ahlmann and Thorarinsson, 1937). However Thorarinsson (1943) has argued that between 1903- 1920/25 the glacier front was stable or even advanc- ing with rapid recession after 1925. Denton (1975) suggests that advances took place around 1910 and the early 1920s. It is supported by Einarsson (1993) JÖKULLNo. 51 19
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