
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 31.12.2001, Qupperneq 52

Jökull - 31.12.2001, Qupperneq 52
Bryndís Brandsdóttir et al. Table I. Waste water injection volumes into well H-6 in 1993. Data from Geir Þórólfsson, Sudurnes Re- gional Heating Company. - Yfirlit yfir niðurdœlingu í holu H-6. Gögn frá Geir Þórólfssyni, Hitaveitu Suðurnesja. Date 1993 Dags. 1993 Number of days Dagafjöldi Average injection rate Meðalrennsli (l/s) Total (tons) Heildarmagn (tonn) 19.07-20.07 1 30 2,592 20.07-22.07 2 22 3,802 23.07-27.07 4 15 5,184 28.07-04.08 8 10 6,912 04.08-10.08 6 11 5,702 11.08-28.09 48 18.5 76,723 15.10-15.11 30 15 38,880 01.12-31.12 30 30 77,760 Total/Sönzta/í 217,555 “earthquake threshold” lies in geothermal regions and only by documenting various cases will our under- standing of these processes be improved. Results from various injection tests (Davis and Frohlich, 1993) indicate that the wellhead pressure needs to exceed 20-40 bars in order to induce seis- micity. Applying the same criteria we conclude that the injection pressure into the Svartsengi geothermal field was probably far below the pressure needed. An injection test within the Laugaland geothermal field in N-Iceland also did not induce microearthquakes even though wellhead pressures reached 30 bars (Axelsson et al., 2000). These results are explained by outflow of 70% of the injected water within a relatively low stress regime in the uppermost 1000 m in Laugaland. Fluid drawdown that preceded both the Svartsengi and Laugarland tests is another factor which affects the likelihood of induced seismicity. Drawdown de- creases the pore pressure and increases rock strength, which again reduces microseismic activity. The draw- down of more than 20 bars in the Svartsengi since the start of production in 1976 may have reduced the mi- croseismic activity temporarily. Earthquakes are thus not to be expected until the regional tectonic stress reaches the new fracture limit. Acknowledgements This project was a part of the National Energy Au- thority Environmental Assessment Program carried out in cooperation with the Sudurnes Regional Heat- ing Company. Benedikt Halldórsson, Brandur Karls- son, Egill Axelsson, Jósef Hólmjárn, Karl Gunnars- son and Olafur G. Flóvenz participated in the field- work. We thank Albert Albertsson and his staff of the Svartsengi geothermal power plant for providing fa- cilities and general assistance. Guðni Axelsson and William Menke provided constructive reviews. ÁGRIP Áhrif niðurdælingar á smáskjálftavirkni jarðhita- svæða: Dæmisaga úr Svartsengi Hérlendis hafa hita- og þrýstingsmælingar í borhol- um fyrst og fremst verið notaðar til þess að fylgj- ast með jarðhitasvæðum í vinnslu. Landhæðar- og þyngdarmælingum hefur og verið beitt til eftirlits með svæðisbundnum áhrifum vinnslunnar á jarðhitasvæð- in. Jarðskjálftamælingar veita upplýsingar um innri gerð jarðhitakerfa og þær má einnig nota til að fylgj- ast með breytingum sem verða við vinnslu yfir langan tíma. Smáskjálftavirkni og órói gefa upplýsingar um ástand jarðhitakerfa, en notagildi þeirra við vinnslu og eftirlit hefur enn lítt verið kannað hér á landi. Vinnsla jarðhita hérlendis hefur í flestum tilvik- um haft í för með sér vatnsborðslækkun (niðurdrátt) innan viðkomandi svæða þar sem vökva hefur verið tappað af þeim hraðar en nemur náttúrulegu aðrennsli. Tilsvarandi þrýstingslækkun hefur einnig margvísleg 50 JÖKULL No. 51
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