
Jökull - 31.12.2001, Side 78

Jökull - 31.12.2001, Side 78
Helgi Björnson et al. Figure 1. Typical location of mass balance stakes on Vatnajökull and Langjökull. Ice divides, separating vari- ous outlet glaciers, are drawn on Vatnajökull. - Lega mœlistika við afkomumœlingar á Vatnajökli og Langjökli. Línur á Vatnajökulskorti afmarka skriðjökla. zero in 1994-1995 but since then it has been negative. The winter balance was highest during the first years of the decade, reached a minimum in 1996-97 and has since then been slowly increasing. The summers were colder during the first half of the decade, which is reflected in the summer ablation. The high ablati- on during the summer of 1997, however, was too a large extent caused by low average albedo following the exposure of the tephra layer from the Gjálp erupti- on in October 1996. Moreover, dust from Skeiðar- ársandur, originating from the jökulhaup deposits in November 1996, also spread over large parts of the ice cap. In contrast the high summer melting in 2000 was primarily attributable to warm and windy wea- ther. The total mass loss 1991-2001 has been 2.37 m (water equivalent) or 19.4 km3 (which amounts to 1.5 times the average winter balance of the ice cap), i. e. the ice cap lost about 0.6% of its total ice mass. In addition to this surface melting the volcanic eruption in October 1996 melted 4.0 km3 of ice. In years of zero net balance, the equilibrium line on Vatnajökull lies at about 1 lOOm on the southern outlet glaciers, at 1200-1300 m on the northwestern and northern outlet glaciers. The accumulation area is thus typically about 60% of the total glacier area. Dur- ing 1991-2001 the accumulation area varied from 20- 70% of the total area of the outlet glaciers, the equili- brium line altitude fluctuated by 200-300 m and the annual net balance from plus to minus one metre. A lOOm rise in the equilibrium line would reduce the net balance by about 0.75 m per year. The mass balance on Langjökull shows simil- ar variations as on Vatnajökull. However, Langjök- ull is smaller and lower than Vatnajökull. Snow 76 JÖKULL No. 51
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