Bókasafnið - mar. 2020, Side 11

Bókasafnið - mar. 2020, Side 11
Bókasafnið 43. árg – 2019-2020 11 Heimildir American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6. útgáfa). Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association, c2010. Auglýsing um útgáfu viðmiða um æðri menntun og prófgráður nr. 530/2011. Beile, P., Boote, D. og Killingsworth, E. (2004). A microscope or a mirror?: A question of study validity regarding the use of disserta- tion citation analysis for evaluating research collections. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 30(5), 347-353. Bornmann, L. og Hans-Dieter, D. (2008). What do citation counts measure? A review of studies on citing behavior. Journal of Documentation, 64(1), 45-80. doi:10.1108/00220410810844150 Condic, K. S. (2015). Citation analysis of student dissertations and faculty publications in reading and educational leadership at Oakland University. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 41(5), 548-557. doi:10.1016/j.acalib.2015.07.007 Conkling, T., Harwell, K., McCallips, C., Nyana, S. A. og Osif, B. A. (2010). Research material selection in the pre-web and post-web environments: An interdisciplinary study of bibliographic citations in doctoral dissertations. Journal Of Academic Librarianship, 36(1), 20-31. Currie, L. og Monroe-Gulick, A. (2013). What do our faculty use ? An interdisciplinary citation analysis study. The Journal of Academic Libr- arianship, 39(6), 471-480. doi:10.1016/j.acalib.2013.08.016 Edwards, S. og Jones, L. (2014). Assessing the fitness of an academic library for doctoral research. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 9(2), 4-15. doi:10.18438/B81K5T Eyrún Sigurðardóttir og Ágústa Pálsdóttir. (2016). Bókasafn Mennta- vísindasviðs Háskóla Íslands: þjónustukönnun. Bókasafnið, 40, 10-15. Feyereisen, P. og Spoiden, A. (2009). Can local citation analysis of master’s and doctoral theses help decision-making about the management of the collection of periodicals? A case study in psychology and education sciences. Journal Of Academic Librarians- hip, 35(6), 514-522. Griffin, K. L. (2016). Citation analysis for core journals in educational leadership. Collection Building, 35(1), 12-15. Gross, P. L. K. og Gross, E. M. (1927). College libraries and chemical education. Science, 66(1713), 385-389. Haycock, L. (2004). Citation analysis of education dissertations for collection development. Library Resources & Technical Services, 48(2), 102-106. Hoffmann, K. og Douccette, L. (2012). A review of citation analysis methodologies for collection management. College and Research Libraries, 74(4), 321-335. Kayongo, J. og Helm, C. (2012). Relevance of library collections for graduate student research: A citation analysis study of doctoral diss- ertations at Notre Dame. College and Research Libraries, 73(1), 47-67. Klassen, T. W. (2011). A citation study of public health masters’ theses. Collection Building, 30(4), 153-159. Kristín Indriðadóttir og Þórhildur S. Sigurðardóttir. (2004). Lokaverk- efni í Kennaraháskóla Íslands: Greining á heimildaskrám frá árunum 2002 og 2003. Bókasafnið, 28, 23-28. Landsaðgangur að rafrænum áskriftum: Hvar.is. (e.d.). Sótt af http:// hvar.is/ MacRoberts, M. og MacRoberts, B. (1989). Problems of citation ana- lysis: A critical review. Journal of the American Society for Information Science (1986-1998), 40(5), 342. Sexton, E. A. (2006). Journal use by graduate students as indicated by masters’ theses bibliographies at an urban commuter college, 1991- 2004. Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian, 24(2), 93-111. Smith, E. (2003). Assessing collection usefulness: An investigation of library ownership of the resources graduate students use. College and Research Libraries, 64(5), 344-355. Sylvia, M. (1998). Citation analysis as an unobtrusive method for journal collection evaluation using psychology student research bibliographies. Collection Building, 17(1), 20-28. Sylvia, M. og Lesher, M. (1995). What journals do psychology gradu- ate students need? A citation analysis of thesis references. College and Research Libraries, 56(4), 313. Waugh, K. C. og Ruppel, M. (2004). Citation analysis of dissertation, thesis, and research paper references in workforce education and development. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 30(4), 276-284. doi:10.1016/j.acalib.2004.04.003 Weber, R. og Allen, E. (2014). Student-selected journals: An em- erging resource. Portal: Libraries and the Academy, 14(1), 5-22. Frá Jólafagnaði Upplýsingar í bókasafni Fjölbrautaskóla Garðabæjar þann 29. nóvember 2019. Steingerður Þorgilsdóttir, söngkona ásamt hljómsveit. (Ljósm. Barbara H. Guðnadóttir).



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