Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1938, Side 171

Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1938, Side 171
167 Midwives. The country is divided into about 200 districts, one qualified midwife being appointed for each of them except in Reykjavík where there are two. In addition to this there are about 10 practising midwives in Reykjavík, but only very few in other parts of the country, except for one or two in the largest villages. The officially appointed midwives in the towns receive their salaries from the municipality in question whereas in the rural districts they are paid % by the Treasury and % from the rural council concerned. rl'he amount of the salary is kr. 300.00 in districts with 300 inhabitants or less, but in the more populous ones kr. 300.00 plus kr. 10.00 for each 50 inhabitants over 300. The salaries rise after 10 years bv kr. 100.00, but must not exceed kr. 1500.00 a year besides a cost of living bonus if it is payable (before the war it was according to general rules 25% on all salaries of kr. 3.000.00 and under). Those who call in a midwife have to pay her not less than kr. 7.00 for attending a woman in labour and assisting at the birth of a child, and kr. 2.50 for each dav she stays with a woman in confinement, but kr. 1.00 for each call. In this way the midwives ordinarily receive about kr. 25.00 to kr. 35.00 for each birth. The scattered nature of the popula- tion has its effect here too and the districts covered by the mídwives are so sparsely populated that each midwife has to attend very few births. This may best be seen from the fact that of a total number of about 2.500 births a year in the whole country, about 900 are in Reykjavík; this makes an annual average of about 8 births for each midwife outside Revkjavík. There are, indeed, instances when for a whole year not a single child was born in some of the districts. This is the reason why most midwives are not dependent on midwifery as a chief occ.upation, but are housewives, by far the greatest number of them being farmers’ wives who are prepared to attend to their duties as midwives when needed. The midwives are most frequently in charge of the vaccination against smallpox, each in her own district. For each case of vaccination they receive a remuneration from the Treasury (kr. 0.35 in the rural districts and kr. 0.20 in the towns and villages). Nurses. All the chief hospitals employ qualified nurses, but private nursing will hardly be found outside Reykjavík. There are also school nurses in some of the larger towns and nurses engaged in other branches of health protection, especially in protection against tuberculosis. It is only very rarely that we find qualified nurses working in the rural districts of the country, but it sometimes happens that nursing societies or womens’ institutes employ girls who may be sent out to assist in homes in cases of illness. It is not primarily the duty of these girls to engage in proper sick nursing, for which they are as a rule not qualified, but rather to assist the housewives in the domestic work or take charge of it if the mistress of the house cannot do it because of illness. This frequently comes in very useful and might be more gene- rally practised than it is at present,
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