Arkitektúr og skipulag - 01.06.1989, Síða 96

Arkitektúr og skipulag - 01.06.1989, Síða 96
The competition was for the planning of an area housing 6000-7000 people along with services and light industry. The article describes the win- ning entry. Page 68 Pluralism in archi- tecture. Árni Jónsson argues in favor of pluralism architecture, as against the monotony which Modernism has often pro- duced . He points to several French architects as ex- amples of pluralism, open to differing cultural influences. Renaudie's„organic“architec- ture. Jean Nouvel's folly in The park de la Villette, etc. Page 70 Living in towns. A recent competition by the Medical Association of lceland was won by dr. Trausti Valsson.architect. Thearticle describes the winning essay on the theoretical basis for the planning of the environment and a new environmental ethic. Page72 Design themes. The author stresses the im- portance of working with de- sign themes to form a bridge between form and content of buildings. He cites two of his recent projects as examples of how this can he brought about. Page 77 Young lcelandic Architects. At present there is no archi- tectural education available in lceland. Icelandic architects have therefore studied in most countries of the western world and some even ventured as far as Japan and Mexico. This is apparent in the work of some newly qualified lcelandicarchi- tects who recently exhibited their work at the Society of lcelandic architects. Page 81 Land use controls in the United States. Ingibjörg Guðlaugsdóttir de scribes the system of zoning as it is being used in the USA and traces its development. She considers zoning the most influential and most widely used vehicle for the control of land use and densi- ties in the USA. Page 87 A fairy tale in Snælandsskóli. The artist Magnús Pálsson has recently decorated a new primary school in Kópavogur with themes from old lcelandic fairy tales. Art historian, Aðalsteinn Ingólfsson de- scribes the development of the artist and his approach to this particular work of art. ARKITEKTÚR OG SKIPULAG TÍMARITIÐ ARKITEKTÚR OG SKIPULAG KEMUR ÚT ÁRSFJÓRÐUNGSLEGA OG FJALLAR Á FAGLEGAN HÁTT UM BYGGINGARLIST, SKIPULAG OG UMHVERFISMÁL. ÞETTA TÍMARIT ER SAMEIGINLEGUR VETTVANGUR ALLRA ÞEIRRA SEM FÁST VIÐ SKIPULAG, HÖNNUN, MANNVIRKJAGERÐ OG ALMENNA UMHVERFISMÓTUN, BÆÐI SÉRFRÆÐINGA, SVEITARSTJÓRNARMANNA OG FÓLKS, SEM HEFUR ALMENNAN ÁHUGA Á ÞESSUM MÁLUM. ÁSKRIFT 1989 SUBSCRIPTION 1989 'Eg óska að greiða áskriftargjald að Arkitektúr og skipulag árlega með greiðslukorti þar til fyrirmæli berast um annað: Nafn................................................................................. Nafnnúmer/.....................Kennitala............................................. Heimili.............................................................................. Sími.............Póstn..............Staður........................................... Land................................................................................. Euro....Visa.....Kortnúmer...................Gildir til.............................. Áskriftargjald hérlendis er kr 1500 og USD 55.00 erlendis. Sendið til SAV, HAMRABORG 7, 200 Kópavogur Iceland Eða hringið : ( 91 >45155. Sé greitt með gíró eða í sparisjóðum: Banki 1135 26, Kennitala 490288 1419, Reikn 7737. 94 ARKITEKTÚR OG SKIPULAG
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Arkitektúr og skipulag

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