
Læknaneminn - 01.12.1976, Page 29

Læknaneminn - 01.12.1976, Page 29
fession. Many academics in departments or su- bjects variously described as preventive medi- cine, community medicine, public health and comprehensive medicine said they would prefer to name their subject social medicine. In what follows that term will be used as the least con- fused rubric from the academic standpoint.“ I Bretlandi hefur Jrróunin orðið sú, að háskóla- deildir er áður voru kenndar við Public Health, hafa breytt starfsemi sinni og nafni í takt við breyttar kröfur tímans, fyrst í félagslækningar á 5. og 6. ára- tugnum, en síðar í samfélagslækningar (community medicine) í byrjun 8. áratugs til samræmis við þær breytingar er gerðar voru á heilbrigðismálum í Bretlandi, endurskipulagningu National Health Ser- vice. Hefur áherzlan smám saman færzt frá heil- brigðiseftirliti, smitsjúkdómum og sýklafræði yfir á félagsvísindi, skipulagningu heilbrigðisþjónustu og stjórnun. I Edinborg má segja að þessi þróun hafi gengið í gegnum aukastig, Public Health Admini- stration, er opið var einnig öðrum en læknislærðum. Forsvarsmaður þess skóla var núverandi landlæknir Skota, Sir John Brotherstone, er var áður prófessor í Social medicine í Edinborg. Hann var einnig sá er mest kom við sögu endurskipulagningu heilbrigðis- þjónustu Skota, sem fæddi af sér nýja sérgrein, Community Medicine, er hér kallast samfélagslækn- ingar. I svokölluðum White paper, er nefna mætti frumvarp að lögum, segir svo um samfélagslækning- ar: „Put at its simplest, community medicine is con- cerned with the study of health and disease in po- pulations. The function of the specialist in com- munity medicine is to investigate and assess the needs of the population so that priorities may be established for the promotion of health, the pre- vention of disease and the provision of medical care. The specialty is also concerned with co- ordinating medical expertise so that policies which are in accord with medical need can be presented to the central department, area health authorities, and those responsible for the manage- ment of services below area level. We consider that the specialty has a major contribution to make to successful integration of medical work.“ í ritinu Community Medicine in Scotland, gefið úl af skozka heilbrigðismálaráðuneytinu 1973, segir svo um þróunina frá heilbrigðisfræðinni til samfé- lagslækninga: „The appreciation of relationship between factors in the environment and the causation and fre- quency of disease is an ancient one in medicine that dates at least from the time of Hippocrates. It was not until the middle of the nineteenth cen- tury, however, that a distinct group of doctors emerged whose specialist interest was the study of the behaviour of disease in populations rather than in individuals. At that time these doctors in- vestigated the circumstances in which disease oc- curred and they saw urgent sanitary reforms as the first step in the prevention and control of in- fectious diseases. The resulting public health movement was outstandingly successful in its day. One aspect of the practice of community medi- cine therefore is in direct succession to this spe- cial concern with preventing disease in popula- tions by first studying the circumstances in which it occurs. The important causes of death, disa- bility and ill-health in this country are no longer communicable diseases but rather the degenera- tive conditions, long-continued chronic disease, including mental handicap and illness, and the il!-defined minor conditions so often seen in gen- eral practice.“ Og síðar: „Community medicine seeks to understand the en- vironmental social and behavioural associations with these conditions and where possible 'to use that understanding in the prevention of disease. Its investigations, like those of the nineteenth century pioneers, are epidemiological, that is to say based on populations rather than individuals, and are concerned with the distribution and de- terminants of disease in human communities.“ Af þessum tilvitnunum ætti að verða ljóst hið nána samband félagslækninga og samfélagslækninga, nöfnin að nær öllu leyti ákvörðuð af pólitískum að- stæðum í hverju landi fremur en eðlismun milli þess- LÆKNANEMINN 25



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