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Peter Duesberg and David Rasnick
Table 6
Drug diseases diagnosed before the AIDS era, and in HIY-free addicts
Disease drugs used1 reference AIDS
immunodeficiency C, H, N, (Achard ct al., 1909; Terry and Pellens, 1928; Briggs et al., 1967; YES
A Sapira, 1968; Harris and Garret, 1972; Geller and Stimmel, 1973; Pillari and Narus, 1973; Brown et al., 1974; Louria, 1974; McDonough et al., 1980; Gottlieb et al., 1981; Jaffe et al., 1983; Tubaro et al., 1983; Layon et al., 1984; Culver et al., 1987; Donahoe et al., 1987; Haverkos and Doughcrty, 1988b; Selwyn et al., 1988; Novick et al., 1989; Mientjes et al., 1991; Pillai et al., 1991; Larrat and Zierler, 1993; Mientjes et al., 1993; Sadownick, 1994; Brettle, 1996)
Kaposi’s sarcoma N (Jaffe et al., 1983; Haverkos et al., 1985; Haverkos, 1988; Haverkos and Dougherty, 1988a; Archer et al., 1989; Friedman-Kien et al., 1990; Marquart et al., 1991) YES
candidiasis C, H (Pillari and Narus, 1973; Stoneburner et ah, 1988; Rogers et al., 1989) YES
pneumonia C, H, N (Gottlieb et al., 1981; Jaffe et al., 1983; Selwyn et al., 1988; Stoneburner et al., 1988; Ettinger and Albin, 1989; Mientjes et al., 1993; Hayes et al., 1994; Brettle, 1996) YES
lymphadenopathy C, H (Geller and Stimmel, 1973; Pillari and Narus, 1973; Espinoza et al., 1987; Des Jarlais et al., 1988; Brettle, 1996) YES
tuberculosis C, H (Firooznia et al., 1973; Courtwright, 1982; Layon et al., 1984; Stoneburner et al., 1988; Braun et al., 1989; Brudney and Dobkin, 1991; Hayes et aJ., 1994) YES
weight loss C, H (Pillari and Narus, 1973; Des Jarlais et al., 1988; Brettle, 1996) YES
dementia encephalopathy C, H (Stoneburner et al., 1988; Koch, 1990; Aylward et al., 1992; Larrat and Zierler, 1993; Hayes et ak, 1994; Brettle, 1996) YES
diarrhea C, H (Des Jarlais et al., 1988; Munoz et al., 1992; Brettle, 1996) YES
fever C, H (Des Jarlais et al., 1988; Ettinger and Albin, 1989; Brettle, 1996) YES
spontaneous abortion, premature birth, congenital abnormalities C, H (Fricker and Segal, 1978; Lifschitz et al., 1983; Alroomi et al., 1988; Rogers et al., 1989; Toufexis, 1991; Finnegan et al., 1992; Larrat and Zierler, 1993) YES
night sweats C, H (Desjarlais et al., 1988; Brettle, 1996)
impotence C, H (Larrat and Zierler, 1993; Brettle, 1996)
severe atherosclerosis A (Wilson et al., 1996)
tooth loss/caries C, H (Pillari and Narus, 1973)
dermatitis C, H (Pillari and Narus, 1973; Brettle, 1996)
hepatitis C, H (Dismukes et al., 1968; Pillari and Narus, 1973; Layon et al„ 1984)
epileptic seizures C, H (Brettle, 1996)
endocarditis C, H (Layon et al„ 1984; Stoneburner et al„ 1988; Mientjes et al„ 1993; Brettle, 1996)
bronchitis C, H (Ettinger and Albin, 1989; Lerner, 1989; Brettle, 1996)
1 A, amphetamines; C, cocaine; H, heroin; N, nitrites.
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Archer, C. B., Spittle, M. E and Smith, N. P. (1989) Kaposi’s sarcoma in a
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Aylward, E. H., Butz, A. M., Hutton, N., Joyner, M. L. and Vogelhut, J. W. (1992)
Cognitive and tnotor development in infants at riskfor human immunodeftcicncy
virtts. Am.J. Dis. Child. 146:218-222.
Braun, M. M., Truman, B. /., Maguire, B., Di Ferdinando, G. 7, Jr., Wormser, G.,
Broaddus, R. and Morse, D. L. (1989) Increasing incidence of tuberculosis in a
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