Læknaneminn - 01.04.1997, Qupperneq 120
Peter Duesberg and David Rasnick
bians 79,295 correlates with a 20-fold higher incidence of
Kaposi’s sarcoma 36,296 and a higher incidence of all
other AIDS diseases in male homosexuals compared to
most other risk groups (Tables 3 and 4). Again, drug
use proved to be necessary for AIDS.
6) After the discovery of HIV, 5 out of 6 HlV-free
male homosexuals from New York with Kaposi’s sarco-
ma reported the use of nitrite inhalants 297. Soon after,
another 6 cases of HlV-free Kaposi’s sarcoma were report-
ed in an HlV-free “high risk population” from New
York 29S. This indicates directly that HIV is not neces-
sary and suggests that drugs are sufficient for AIDS.
7) In 1992, two HlV-free, male homosexuals, erro-
neously treated with AZT because of a false positive
HlV-antibody test, developed fatal AIDS including
pneumonia and muscle atrophy. Their case was
described in the Oakland Tribune and in the New York
Native because of a malpractice suit against Kaiser
Hospital and the manufacturer of AZT, but was not
followed up by the media, suggestive of a settlement 299.
One of us has testified in three legal cases against AZT
therapy, and in each case settlements were reached that
barred further publicity. In view of the inherent false-
positive rate of HlV-antibody tests 48'300'30i) many more
such cases are likely to exist that have never been iden-
tified (see 7.4.)
8) A rare, recent publication describes 4 HlV-free,
male homosexual AIDS patients with Kaposi’s sarcoma
in the New England Journal ofMedicine 285. This pub-
licadon was published in the orthodox literature at the
same time as a “new Kaposi’s sarcoma virus” was con-
sidered by the AIDS establishment. This shows that
the HIV orthodoxy can accept HlV-free AIDS cases,
but only at the expense of substituting another AIDS
virus in the place of HIV 302.
9) An independent re-analysis of the database of
male homosexual AIDS patients from San Francisco
who had used nirtrite inhalants, amphetamines,
cocaine, and other recreational drugs in addition to
AZT originally described in 1993 80,303, identified 45
HlV-free patients with AIDS defining diseases that had
been omitted from the original study 115.
10) Among intravenous drug users in New York rep-
resenting a “spectrum of HlV-related diseases,” HIV
was only observed in 22 out of 50 pneumonia deaths,
7 out of 22 endocarditis deaths, and 11 out of 16
tuberculosis deaths 86.
11) Pneumonia was diagnosed in 6 out of 289 HIV-
free and in 14 out of 144 HlV-positive intravenous
drug users in New York 304.
12) Among 54 prisoners with tuberculosis in New
York state, 47 were street-drug users, but only 24 were
infected with HIV 305.
13) In a group of 21 long-term heroin addicts, the
ratio ofhelper to suppresser T-cells declined during 13
years from a normal of 2 to less than 1, which is typi-
cal of AIDS 306 ; biit only 2 of the 21 were infect-
ed by HIV 244.
14) Thrombocytopenia and immunodeficiency were
diagnosed in 15 intravenous drug users on average 10
years after they became addicted, but 2 were not infect-
ed with HIV 243.
15) The annual mortality of 108 HlV-free Swedish
heroin addicts was similar to that of 39 HlV-positive
addicts, i.e. 3-5%, over several years 307.
16) A survey of over a thousand intravenous drug
addicts from Germany reported that the percentage of
HlV-positives among drug deaths (10%) was exactly
the same as that of HlV-positives among living intra-
venous drug users 308. Another study from Berlin also
reported that the percentage of HlV-positives among
intravenous drug deaths was essentially the same as that
among living intravenous drug users, i.e. 20-30% 309.
This indicates that drugs are sufficient for and that
HIV does not contribute to AIDS-defining diseases
and deaths of drug addicts.
17) Lymphocyte reactivity and abundance was
depressed by the absolute number of injections of
drugs not only in 111 HlV-positive, but also in 210
HIV-free drug users from Holland 31°.
18) The same lymphadenopathy, weight loss, fever,
night sweats, diarrhea and mouth infections were
observed in 49 out of 82 HlV-free, and in 89 out of
136 HlV-positive, long-term intravenous drug users in
New York 3n.
19) Among intravenous drug users in France, lym-
phadenopathy was observed in 41 and an over 10%
weight loss in 15 out of 69 HlV-positives. The num-
bers were 12 and 8, respectively, out of 44 HlV-nega-
tives 245. The French group had used drugs for an aver-
age of 5 years, but the HlV-positives had injected drugs
about 50% longer than the negatives.
20) Among 97 intravenous drug users in New York
with active tuberculosis, 88 were HlV-positive and 9
118 1. tbl. 1997, 50. árg.