Læknaneminn - 01.04.1997, Síða 130
Peter Duesberg and David Rasnick
Thus HIV/AIDS scientists fall far short of Feynman’s
standard, “to try to give all the information to help oth-
ers to judge the value of your contribution.”
HIV/AIDS scientists ought to inform others that the
overwhelming correlation between drugs and AIDS
can not be just a coincidence, and that the literature
already documents that the drugs used by AIDS
patients can cause each of the 30 AIDS-defming dis-
eases and deaths.
It is concluded that the HIV hypothesis has been
unproductive and nonpredictive because AIDS is nei-
ther an infectious epidemic nor caused by HIV. Thus,
far from solving AIDS, the HIV hypothesis has actual-
Iy escalated the epidemic by monopolizing AIDS
reasearch and therapy, and by delivering harmful med-
ications. As the theoretical basis of all anti-AIDS treat-
ments the HIV hypothesis is solely responsible for over
1 million year-long prescriptions of AZT and all other
toxic antiviral drugs that have never cured an AIDS
patient. On the contrary, AZT and other anti-
HIV/AIDS drugs have been shown to accelerate death.
The HIV hypothesis is also responsible for the pro-
motion of recreational drug use. By ignoring, obscur-
ing and even directly refuting in the professional liter-
ature, the possibility that nitrites, cocaine and heroin
could cause diseases, the medical orthodoxy misin-
forms a vulnerable and trusting public about the med-
ical consequences of recreational drug use 16’80’339 . The
Iong arm of the international AIDS establishment even
reaches out specifically to the public with targeted press
releases to convince everybody that drugs are harmless
as long as they are taken with clean needles and con-
doms to protect against HIV infection 333'^34s. This
misinformation campaign and the campaign that clean
needles for unsterile street drugs (!) and condoms pro-
tect against all medical consequences of drug use
encourage rather than discourage recreational drug use
by the unsuspecting public 7-11,97,
By contrast, our independent analysis of the AIDS
epidemic reveals that AIDS is simply the clinical con-
sequence of the American/European drug epidemic.
The drug hypothesis resolves all long-standing para-
doxes and contradictions of the HlV-hypothesis and
predicts AIDS exactly, the hallmark of a good hypoth-
esis. Therefore, it should have a very high priority in
AIDS research. Drug toxicity could be tested experi-
mentally in animals, and in human cells in tissue cul-
ture. In addition, drug toxicity could be tested epi-
demiologically in humans who are addicted to recre-
ational drugs or are prescribed AZT. Such tests could
be conducted at a microscopic fraction of the cost that
is now invested in the HIV hypothesis.
According to the drug hypothesis AIDS would be
entirely preventable and at least partially curable, if:
1) AZT and all other anti-HIV drugs were banned,
2) illicit recreational drug use was terminated,
3) AIDS patients were treated for their specific dis-
eases with proved medications, e.g. tuberculosis with
antibiotics, Kaposi’s sarcoma with conventional cancer
therapy, and weight loss with good nutrition.
In addition to saving about 50,000 to 75,000 lives
per year from AIDS, the drug hypothesis could save the
American tax payer up to $23 billion annually. Eight
of the $23 billion are spent on AIDS treatment,
research and education based on the unproductive
HIV hypotheasis 349'350, and $15 billion are spent on
the War on Drugs 51,53,62, m 35°. The War on Drugs is
“primarily focused on supply control efforts” 51,53, but
has failed completely to stop the American drug epi-
But if the wars on AIDS and drugs were based on the
health consequences of long-term drug use, they could
be just as successful as the federal anti-smoking pro-
gram. Based on education that smoking causes lung
cancer, emphysema and heart disease, smoking has
dropped in the US from 42% of the adult population
in 1965 to 25% in 1995 247. And only 15.5% of
Californians smoked regularly in 1995, down from
26% in 1984. In view of this the CDC’s director of the
Office of Smoking and Health proudly announced,
“Not only are these states [California and others] doing
something right, but other states are looking at them
and seeing that this works” 351. Thus by adopting the
drug-AIDS hypothesis the CDC could also win the
war on AIDS.
However, there are a number of monumental obsta-
cles, 15 years in the making, that block the possible
solution of AIDS based on the drug hypothesis:
1) The HIV/AIDS orthodoxy’s annual budget of $8
billion from the US taxpayer alone,
2) The thousands of AIDS organizations, including
countless public health and activist careers and the tens
128 1. tbl. 1997, 50. árg.