Upp í vindinn - 01.05.2014, Page 9

Upp í vindinn - 01.05.2014, Page 9
UMHVERFIS- OG BYGGINGARVERKFRÆÐIDEILD - YFIRLIT ÁRSINS 2013 Tímaritsgreinar (ISI) Umhverfis- og byggingarverkfræðideildar 2012-2013 Ahmed, A. W., and Erlingsson, S. (2013). Evaluation of permanent deformation models for unbound granular materials using accelerated pavement tests. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 14(1), 178-195. Andradottir, H. O., Rueda, F. J., Armengol, J., and Marce, R. (2012). Characterization of residence time variability in a managed monomictic reservoir. Water Resources Research, 48, 16. Bessason.B., Bjarnason, J.O., Gudmundsson, A., Solnes, J., and Steedman, S. (2012) Probabilistic Earthquake Damage Curves for Low- Rise Buildings Based on Field Data. Earthquake Spectra, Volume 28, No. 4, pages 1353-1378. Chanerley, A. A., Alexander, N. A., Berrill, J., Avery, H., Halldorsson, B., and Sigbjornsson, R. (2013). Concerning Baseline Errors in the Form of Acceleration Transients When Recovering Displacements from Strong Motion Records Using the Undecimated Wavelet Transform. Bulletin of the Seismological Society ofAmerica, 103(1), 283-295. Douglas, J. (2012). Consistency of ground-motion predictions from the past four decades: peak ground velocity and displacement, Arias intensity and relative significant duration. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 10(5), 1339- 1356. Erlingsson, S. & Rahman, M. S. (2013). Evaluation of Permanent Deformation Characteristics of Unbound Granular Materials by Means of Multi-Stage Repeated-Load Triaxial Test. Transport Research Records(2369), 11-19. Erlingsson, S. (2012). Rutting development in a flexible pavement structure. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 13(2), 218-234. Erlingsson, S., and Ahmed, A. W. (2013). Fast layered elastic response program for the analysis of flexible pavement structures. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 14(1), 196-210. Forrest, A. L., Andradottir, H. O., and Laval, B. E. (2012). Preconditioning of an underflow during ice-breakup in a subarctic lake. Aquatic Sciences, 74(2), 361-374. Foster, K.M., B. Halldorsson, R. Green & M.C. Chapman (2012). Calibration of the Specific Barrier Model to the NGA Dataset. Seismological Research Letters. 83 (3), 566-574. Gunnarsdottir, M. J., Gardarsson, S. M., and Andradottir, H. O. (2013). Microbial contamination in groundwater supply in a cold climate and coarse soil: case study of norovirus outbreak at Lake Myvatn, lceland. Hydrology Research, 44(6), 1114-1128. Gunnarsdottir, M. J., Gardarsson, S, M., and Bartram, J. (2012). Icelandic experience with water safety plans. Water Science and Technology, 65(2), 277-288. Gunnarsdottir, M. J., Gardarsson, S. M., Elliott, M., Sigmundsdottir, G., and Bartram, J. (2012). Benefits of Water Safety Plans: Microbiology, Compliance, and Public Health. Environmental Science & Technology, 46(14), 7782- 7789. Halldorsson, B., and Papageorgiou, A. S. (2012). Variations of the specific barrier model-part I: effect of subevent size distributions. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 10(4), 1299-1319. Halldorsson, B., and Papageorgiou, A. S. (2012). Variations of the specific barrier model-part II: effect of isochron distributions. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 10(4), 1321-1337. Hernandez, P., Perez, N., Fridriksson, T., Egbert, J., Ilyinskaya, E., Tharhallsson, A., Ivarsson, G., Gislason, G., Gunnarsson, I., Jonsson, B., Padron, E., Melian, G., Mori, T., and Notsu, K. (2012). Diffuse volcanic degassing and thermal energy release from Hengill volcanic system, lceland. Bulletin of Volcanology, 74(10), 2435-2448. Hrafnkelsson, B., Ingimarsson, K. M., Gardarsson, S. M., and Snorrason, A. (2012). Modeling discharge rating curves with Bayesian B-splines. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 26(1), 1-20. Kim, J.-K., Ulfarsson, G. F., Kim, S., and Shankar, V. N. (2013). Driver-injury severity in single-vehicle crashes in California: A mixed logit analysis of heterogeneity due to age and gender. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 50, 1073-1081. Kim, S., and G. F. Ulfarsson (2012) The Commitment to Light Rail Transit Patronage: Case Study for St. Louis MetroLink, USA. Journal of Urban Planning and Development—ASCE. Vol. 138, No. 3, pp. 227-234. Kim, S., and G. F. Ulfarsson (2013). Transportation in an aging society: The linkage between transportation and quality of life. Transportation Research Record(2357) 109-115. Oiseth, O., Ronnquist, A., and Sigbjornsson, R. (2012). Finite element formulation of the self-excited forces for time-domain assessment of wind- induced dynamic response and flutter stability limit of cable-supported bridges. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 50(1), 173-183. Oiseth, O., Ronnquist, A., and Sigbjornsson, R. (2013). Effects of co-spectral densities of atmospheric turbulence on the dynamic response of cable-supported bridges: A case study. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 116, 83-93. Olafsdottir, S., and Gardarsson, S. M. (2013). Impacts of meteorological factors on hydrogen sulfide concentration downwind of geothermal power plants. Atmospheric Environment, 77, 185-192. Rupakhety, R., and Sigbjornsson, R. (2012). Spatiaí variability of strong ground motion: novel system-based technique applying parametric time series modelling. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 10(4), 1193-1204. Rupakhety, R., and Sigbjornsson, R. (2013). Anote on autoregressive spectral estimates for frequency- wavenumber analysis of strong-motion array data. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 11(5), 1279-1285. Rupakhety, R., and Sigbjornsson, R. (2013). Rotation-invariant measures of earthquake response spectra. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 11(6), 1885- 1893. Saevarsdottir, T., and Erlingsson, S. (2013). Effect of moisture content on pavement behaviour in a heavy vehicle simulator test. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 14, 274-286. Saevarsdottir, T., and Erlingsson, S. (2013). Water impact on the behaviour of flexible pavement structures in an accelerated test. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 14(2), 256-277. Salour, F. & Erlingsson, S. (2013). Moisture Sensitive and Stress Dependent Behavior of Pavement Unbound Materials from Falling Weight Deflectometer Tests. Transport Research Records(2335), 121-129. Salour, F., and Erlingsson, S. (2013). Investigation of a pavement structural behaviour during spring thaw using falling weight deflectometer. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 14(1), 141-158. Valsson, T., and Ulfarsson, G. F. (2012). Megapatterns of global settlement: Typology and drivers in a warming world. Futures, 44(1), 91-104. Valsson, T., Ulfarsson, G. F., and Gardarsson, S. M. (2013). Atheory of the evolution of settlement structures based on identification and use of patterns: lceland as a case study. Futures, 54, 19-32. Venkataraman, N., Ulfarsson, G. F., and Shankar, V. N. (2013). Random parameter models of interstate crash frequencies by severity, number of vehicles involved, collision and location type. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 59, 309-318. Weber, K., Eliasson, J., Vogel, A., Fischer, C., Pohl, T., van Haren, G., Meier, M., Grobety, B., and Dahmann, D. (2012). Airborne in-situ investigations of the Eyjafjallajokull volcanic ash plume on lceland and over north- western Germany with light aircrafts and optical particle counters. Atmospheric Environment, 48, 9-21. ...upp í vindinn I 9


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