Upp í vindinn - 01.05.2014, Síða 40

Upp í vindinn - 01.05.2014, Síða 40
OLHONNUN VEGA Þakkir Þessi vinna er styrkt af Vegagerðinni, Eimskipasjóði Háskóla íslands, Menningar- og framfarasjóði Ludvigs Storr og Rannsóknamiðstöð íslands (RANNÍS). Gögn voru fengin frá VTI í Svíþjóð (Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute), en prófanir voru gerðar í samvinnu við sænsku Vegagerðina (Trafikverket, TRV). Heimildir Ahmed, A. W. & Erlingsson, S. (2013). Evaluation of permanent deformation models for unbound granular materials using accelerated pavementtests. RoadMaterials and Pavement Design. 14/1, 178-195. doi:10.1080/146806 29.2012.755936. (Á ensku). Erlingsson, S. & Ahmed, A. W. (2013). Fast layered elastic response program for analysis of flexible pavement structures. Road Materials and Pavement Design. 14/1, 196-210. doi:10.1080/14680629.2012.757558. (Á ensku). Korkiala-Tanttu, L. (2008). Calculation method for permanent deformation of unbound pavement materials. Espoo, Finland: VTTTechnical Research Centre of Finland. (Á ensku). Saevarsdottir, Th. & Erlingsson, S. (2013). Water impact on the behaviour of flexible pavement structures in an accelerated test. Road Materials and Pavement Design. do i:10.1080/14680629.2013.779308, (Á ensku). Saevarsdottir, Th., Erlingsson, S. & Carlsson, H. (2014). Instrumentation and performance modelling of Heavy Vehicle Simulator tests. Submitted to International Journal of Pavement Engineering. (Á ensku). Wiman, L. G. 2006. “VTI rapport 544A, Accelerated load testing of pavements, HVS-Nordic tests at VTI Sweden 2003-2004”. Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (Vág- och transportforskningsinstitut - VTI), Linköping, Svíþjóð. (Á ensku) Wiman, L. G. (2010). VTI rapport 628, Accelererad provning av vágkonstruktioner; Referensöverbyggnad enligt ATB Vág. Linköping, Sweden: Swedish National Road and Transport Research, Institute (Vág- och transportforskningsinstitut - VTI). (Á sænsku)
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