Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1954, Blaðsíða 104

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1954, Blaðsíða 104
Um illvok&tur 110 SUMMARY In tihe 32 years froim 27/6/1920 to 26/6/1952 there were 124 cases of cancer in the medical district of Eiðd, iFaroe Islands. The average population was 2256, giving 17,2 new cases per 10.000 inihabitants. The 124 cases are given in Table I according to the locatíon of the complaint and the outcome was that 101 of the 124 died of cancer. The mortality rate fo.r cancer was thus 14 per 10.000 inhabi- tants. 3 other persons had cancer when they died, but this was not the cause of death. 7 were operated on for cainoer, and were apjpa- rentlly free from i,t at deaith, thouglh recidivity stiU possible. 3 persons operated on for oanoer were still living in June 1954. 2 of ithem without metastasis but reoidivity and metastasis were stíll posisibillitíes. At the end of the period there was 1 case of cancer in the distriot. Ten were oured. Per.sons were only Qonsidered cured if there were no recedivity or metastasis 5 years after the operation. The fatal cases are shown on Tab.le II according to age and sex. Cancer cutis (facies). Ln 7 cases cancer began on the faqe. 1 of these was operated on in 1929 for cancer of the nose, in 1930 for cancer on the left temple, in 1932 for a caincerous iinduration on the forehead and in 1941 a cancerous swell iag on the upper lip was removed. There will soarcely have been any conneQtion betweem these growths. Cancer labii inf. There are 2 men and 2 women with this form of the disease. The 2 men have heen invenerate pipe smokers since youth. They were operated on in 1925 and 1922 aged 76 and 67 respectively. They had 'both had cancer of the lower lip onoe before. The first man had the original cancerous induration removed in 1909, the second in 1919. The sores were near the comers of the mouth; neither of them had oancer on the samie side twice. One of the women too had been a oonfirmed pipe-smoker. Her itumour was removed in 1924, when she was 85 years old. In the case of the other woman, the cancer whdch appeared roughly in the middle of the lip iseemed to have boeri caused by a loose tooth in the upper jaw_ whioh for a long itime had conitinuailly been striking that point on the lip where later an ulcer formed. It was removed in 1932, tihe patient being 66. Cancer ventriculi. Not less than 45 suffered and died from can- cer ventriculi, acoouting for 45 % of all deaths and for 36 % of all cases. By far the greater number were women (27 as against 18 men). Up to the age of 65 there was about as many women as men, but after that age many more women than men.
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