Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 08.12.2001, Blaðsíða 62

Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 08.12.2001, Blaðsíða 62
LAUGARDAGUR 8. DESEMBER 2001 -J70 Helgarblað______________________________________________________________________________________________________py jJ23 (o*nu|l6fnb Ivnlr rtiaiin, Aöoins oiH sVch. kvikmyndir.is l*i(t »VCH. kvikmyndir.com Sýnd kl. 10. B.i. 16 ára. Sýnd kl. 12 á 16 ára. 8 og 10. Sýnd kl. 2, 4, 6, 8 og 10. Sýnd kl. 6 og 8. B.i. 16 ára. Miðasala opnar kl. 13. HUGSADU STÓRT EiNNIG SYND I LUXUS Sýnd kl. 3, 5.30, 8 og 10.30. DAVID SPADE itunm Ljóskur landsins' UogfrO 'JVU IflHVi Lúöl lúöanna meö sAt aö aftan, I sn|ó- þveanum aallabuxum oa flnnst hann svalastl töflarlnn...þvt mlour er engln sammöla honuml Endalaust fynaln mynd Irö framlelöendum Bla Daddy og Weddlng Slnger og snllllngurlnn Davld Spode CJust:Shoot Me) er súper- lúölnnl Sýnd kl. 2,4, 6, 8 og 10. Sýnd kl. 1.30, 3.40, 5.50. 8 og 1010 Sýnd kl. 5.30, 8 og 10.30. Sýnd m/ísl. tali kl. 2og4. □□ Dolby JDD/C Thx SÍMl 564 0000 - www.smarabio.is Tveir vinir, ein kona... og enginn gefur eftir! Josh Hartnett (Pearl Harbor), Julia Stiles (Save the Last Dance) og Mekhi Phiter (I Still Know What Vou Did Last Summer) tara 6 kostum i pottþéttri mynd' Sýnd kl.3, 5.30, 8 og 10.30. Sýnd kl. 4, 6, 8 og 10. I InLlnlM FOR BEGINNERS ÍTALSCA Píftfi BYRvtWWR <*■«©© Sýnd kl. 3.40, 5.50, 8 og 10.10. Mið pizza með 2 álessstesundum, V, i liter coke, stór brauástansir og sósa Stór pizza með 2 áleggstegundum, \ 2 lítrar coke, stór brauðstangir og sósa Pizzaaáeiginvaliogstórbrauð- stangir 0G ÖNNUR af sömu stærá fylgir moð án aukagjalds ef sótt er’ Stór pizza meá allt að 5 áleggs- tegundum, stórbrauðsiangirogsósa. TILBOÐ TILBOÐ Austurströnd 8 Dalbrauti Mjóddinni Laugardagur 8. desember /j) EUROSPORT 11.30 Cycling. Road World Champ- ionships in Usbon, Portugal 12.00 Cycling. Road World Championshlps in Lisbon, Portugal 13.00 Tenn- is. ATP Tournament in Vlenna, Austria 14.30 Cycllng. Road World Championships in Lisbon, Portugal 16.00 Tennis. ATP Tournament in Lyon, France 17.00 Kart- ing. Karting Stars Cup In Monte Cario, Monaco 19.00 Petanque. Worid Championships in Monaco 20.00 Petanque. Worid Championships in Monaco 21.00 News. Eurosportnews Report 21.15 Boxing. International Contest 23.15 Xtreme Sports. Yoz Mag 23.45 News. Eurosportnews Report 0.00 Motorcycl- ing. MotoGP in Phillip Island, Australia 1.00 Close HALLMARK 10.00 Champagne Chariie 12.00 Uve Through This 13.00 Inside the Osmonds 15.00 Reunion 17.00 Uve Through This 18.00 The Odyssey 20.00 Biack Fox. Good Men and Bad 22.00 The Odyssey 0.00 Reunion 2.00 Black Fox. Good Men and Bad CARTOON NETWORK 10.30 X-men. Evolution 11.00 The Powerpuff Girls - Superchunk 13.00 Add- ams Family 13.30 Scooby Doo 14.00 Johnny Bravo 14.30 The Powerpuff Giris 15.00 Angela Anaconda 15.30 The Cramp Twlns 16.00 Thunderbirds ANIMAL PLANET 10.00 Shark Gordon 10.30 Shark Gordon 11.00 O'Shea’s Big Adventure 11.30 O’Shea’s Big Adventure 12.00 Into Hidden Europe 12.30 Anlmal Encounters 13.00 Survivors 14.00 Whole Story 15.00 Croc Rles 15.30 Croc Files 16.00 Quest 17.00 O'Shea's Big Adventure 17.30 Shark Gordon 18.00 Twlsted Tales 18.30 Twisted Tales 19.00 Anlmal X 19.30 Animal X 20.00 Hl Tech Vets 20.30 Hi Tech Vets 21.00 Animal Emergency 21.30 Last Paradlses 22.00 Wild Treasures of Europe 23.00 Close Sunnudagur 9. desember ebbt^ /j) EUROSPORT 11.30 Cycllng. Road World Champ- ionships in Lisbon, Portugal 12.00 Motorcycling. Mo- toGP in Phillip island, Australia 13.15 Cycling. Road Worid Championshlps in Lisbon, Portugal 15.30 Tenn- is. ATP Tournament in Vienna, Austría 16.45 Tennls. ATP Tournament in Lyon, France 17.45 Nascar. Win- ston Cup Series in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA 18.45 News. American News 19.00 Cart. Fedex Championship Series in Laguna Seca, California, USA 21.00 News. Eurosportnews Report 21.15 All sports. WATTS 21.45 News. American News 22.00 Car Racing. American Le Mans Series in Braselton, Ge- orgla, USA 23.00 News. American News 23.15 News. Eurosportnews Report 23.30 Close HALLMARK 10.00 Champagne Charlie 12.00 Bodyguards 13.00 Grand Larceny 15.00 Robin Cook's Acceptable Risk 17.00 Bodyguards 18.00 20,000 Leagues under the Sea 20.00 Black Fox. The Price of Peace 22.00 20,000 Leagues under the Sea 0.00 Robin Cook's Acceptable Risk 2.00 Black Fox. The Price of Peace CARTOON NETWORK 11.00 The Flintstones - Superchunk 13.00 Addams Family 13.30 Scooby Doo 14.00 Johnny Bravo 14.30 The Powerpuff Girls 15.00 Angela Anaconda 15.30 The Cramp Twins 16.00 Thunderbirds ANIMAL PLANET 10.00 Anlmal Legends 10.30 Animal Allies 11.00 Horse Tales 11.30 Animai Airport 12.00 Blue Beyond 13.00 Ocean Tales 13.30 Ocean Wllds 14.00 Dolphin’s Destiny 15.00 Sharks of the Deep Blue 16.00 Shark! The Silent Savage 17.00 Wolves of the Sea - White Sharks 18.00 Before It's Too Late 19.00 ESPU 19.30 Anlmal Detectives 20.00 Animal Frontline 20.30 Crime Flles 21.00 Twisted Tales 21.30 Twisted Tales 22.00 Animal X 22.30 Animal X 23.00 Close BBC PRIME 10.30 Lesley Garrett Tonight 11.00 Sophie's Sunshine Food 11.30 Open All Hours 12.00 Classic Eastenders Omnibus 12.30 Classic Eastend- ers Omnibus 13.00 Classic Eastenders Omnibus 13.30 Classic Eastenders Omnibus 14.00 Doctor Who. the Caves of Androzani 14.25 Doctor Who. the Caves of Androzani 15.00 Holiday on a Shoestríng 15.30 Top of the Pops 15.55 Later with Jools Holland 17.00 Fantasy Rooms 17.30 A History of Britain 18.30 The Planets 19.20 Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends 20.10 The Making of Aristocrats 20.40 Top of the Pops 21.00 Top of the Pops 2 21.30 Totp Eurochart 22.00 Superstore 22.30 Parkinson 23.30 Ou Sat2k 23.55 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 10.00 Storm of the Century 11.00 Pub Gulde to the Universe 11.30 Racing the Distance 12.00 Firefight. Stories from the Frontlines 13.00 Mediterranean on the Rocks 14.00 Elephant Power 15.00 Royal Blood 16.00 Storm of the Century 17.00 Pub Guide to the Universe 17.30 Racing the Distance 18.00 Dogs with Jobs 18.30 Earthpulse 19.00 Thunder Dragons 20.00 Wildllfe Wars 21.00 Savage Garden 22.00 Pigeon Murders 22.30 Fearsome Frogs 23.00 Jane Goodall. Reason for Hope 0.0 BBC PRIME 10.00 Going for a Song 10.30 Style Challenge 11.00 Gardeners' Worid 11.30 Last of the Summer Wine 12.00 Eastenders Omnibus 12.30 Eastenders Omnibus 13.00 Eastenders Omnibus 13.30 Eastenders Omnibus 14.00 Chronicles of Narnia 14.30 Chronicles of Narnia 15.00 Jonathan Miller's Opera Works 15.45 Cardiff Singer of the World 1999 16.30 Lesley Garrett Tonight 17.00 Great Antiques Hunt 17.30 Fawlty Towers 18.00 The Boss 18.30 Porridge 19.00 Murder Most Horrid 19.30 Very Important Pennis 20.00 Shooting Stars 20.30 All Rise for Julian Clary 21.00 Big Train 21.30 Aristocrats 22.30 Doctor Who. the Caves of Androzani 23.00 Ancient Voices. Blood and Rowers 0.00 In the Blood NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC u.oo Pigeon Murders 11.30 Fearsome Frogs 12.00 Jane Goodall. Reason for Hope 13.00 Dogs wlth Jobs 13.30 Eart- hpulse 14.00 Thunder Dragons 15.00 Wildlife Wars 16.00 Savage Garden 17.00 Pigeon Murders 17.30 Fearsome Frogs 18.00 Island Eaten by Rats 18.30 Snake Invasion 19.00 Red Crabs, Crazy Ants 20.00 National Geo-genius 20.30 A Different Ball Game. Turkey - Young Turks 21.00 Double Identity 22.00 Rescue at Sea 23.00 Mysteries of the Nile EH Harry Potter og viskusteinninn*** Kvikmyndin um Harry Potter mun ekki valda aðdáendum bókanna vonbrigðum. Leikstjór- inn Chris Columbus fylgir bókinni síöu fyrir síöu (enda er hún helst til löng) og er henni fullkomlega trúr. Kvikmyndin er aö vísu ekki eins fyndin og bókin, en andinn er hinn sami og dettur sem betur fer aldrei ofan í væmni. Sviðs- myndin hefur tekist afskaplega vel, Hogwarts skólinn er mátulega ótrúlegur í útliti, blanda af galdrakastala og viröu- legu ensku skólasetri, draugalegur en samt hlýlegur. -SG Training Day ★★★ Sérlega vel skrifuö kvikmynd þar sem nánast hver setning sem sögö er hefur vissa merkingu og jafn markvisst og harösoöiö handrit aö löggumynd hefur varla sést síöan Dirty Harry var upp á sitt besta: Þaö nægir samt ekki aö vera meö gott handrit ef því er ekki fylgt eftir meö góöum leik. Ethan Hawke og Denzel Was- hington eru leikarar sem valda hlutverk- um sínum og þó ekkert sé hægt aö setja út á leik Hawkes þá hverfur hann í skugg- ann fyrir mögnuöum leik Denzels. -HK Eiling ★★★ Elling er fyrst og fremst afskaplega elskuleg og fyndin mynd um tvo félaga sem hafa verið í ver þurfa aö fara að sjá um sig sjálfir. í mynd- inni eru skoðaöar skondnu hliöarnar á því þegar menn passa ekki alveg inn í viö- teknar venjur og siöi samfélagsins. Per Christian Ellefsen leikur mömmustrákinn Elling afskaplega vel. Leikstjórinn, Peter Næss, leikstýrir fjaðurlétt þessu nútíma- ævintýri um óvenjulegu hetjurnar tvær. -SG
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Dagblaðið Vísir - DV

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