Frjáls verslun

Frjáls verslun - 01.05.1968, Side 30

Frjáls verslun - 01.05.1968, Side 30
ÍAnntniii*H> Jbr Fi&heries The OECD Committee for Fisheries, which is serviced by the Directorate for Agriculture and Food, is concerned : • With the problems facing the Governments of the OECD Member countries in the fishing industry in the context of an expanding economy; • With the short-term market outlook, the long-term problem of adjusting produc- tion and demand, and the promotion of trade; and • With the preparation and execution of programmes aimed at stimulating the adaptation of the structures, education, and marketing in this sector to economic growth, as well as providing technical assistance to Member countries„ Among reports and studies published: • Fisheries Policies in Western Europe and North America (Sept. 1960) • Price Systems in the Fishing Indus- tries (Sept. 1966) : gives a precise and detailed description of the price systems used in the Member countries of the OECD. The different systems are examined in order. to compare and evaluate their respective effectiveness, also their advantages and dis- advantages. Their influences on the inter- national trades of fish and sea-food are finally determined. • Financial Support to the Fishing In- dustry (April 1965) • Sanitary Regulations for Fish and Fish Products - N° 51 (Sept. 1962) • Fish Handling and Preservation (June 1965): Record of the studied effected by 200 technicians from all countries for the meeting in Scheveningen (Netherlands) in September 1964 and covering the following items: fish preservation at sea, use of refri- gerated sea water, fish handling at sea and ashore, cold storage and thawing, quality and packing, packaging for retail, distribution. • Marketing and Consumption of Fro- zen Fish - N° 21 : Report presented of the meeting of experts on deepfrozen foods held in Verona from 6th - 12th October, 1959 (May 1960). • Fish Marketing in Western Europe since 1950 (October 1957). OECD OBSERVER THE fX'ONOMK: OUTLOOk- DfXTMBWUfKK' MANPOVVER KX.KTES AND UNEMPLOVMENT IN EUROPK TOWRDS A SCXIAUST MARKETE EjCONOMY IN YUCjOSEAVIA REDUCED PtSWER PRODIXTION CQSTS TORÍXXIH CXXJI’FJt ATION THE EOOD PROBIXM QF THE POOR NAHQNS This bi-monthly magazine, covering the full range of OECD activities, is design- ed for the man who needs to keep abreast of current economic matters, but lacks the time to go through the vast flow of information published on economic and social affairs. A special feature for policy-makers in business and industrial circles is " Main Points of the OECD Economic Outlook ", a survey, appearing from time to time, of prospects for demand, output, trade and payments in OECD countries. Another regular feature is "The OECD Member Countries", a set of tables illustrating the diversity of the economies and providing a general idea of the economic pattern in each as revealed by statistics for population and employment, national product, government expenditure, etc. Succinct, authoritative articles on industrial and commercial problems of production, financing, manpower and management, illustrated by clear sta- tistical tables, provide indispensable information not available from other sources. NAME ADDRESS (Please writc in CAPITAL LETTERS) documentation en langue franqaise □ I am interested in publications on the following subjects: 13 □ ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS 14 □ INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND PAYMENTS 15 □ DEVELOPMENT AID 16 □ AGRICULTURE AND FOOD 17 □ FISHERIES 18 □ ENERGY. INCLUDING ATOMIC ENERGY 19 □ MANPOWER AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS 20 □ INDUSTRY indicate here the sectors in which you are interested (e. g. chemical products. timber, pulp and paper. etc.) 21 □ MANAGEMENT 22 □ TRANSPORT AND TOURISM 23 □ SCIENCE AND EDUCATION □ OECD OBSERVER (free specimen copy) I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I ( I ' I 03 ' ® I FOR INFORMATION FREE OF CHARGE ON OECD PUBLICATIONS PLEASE USE THIS CARD Toutes les publications de l’OCDE paraissent en deux éditions, l'une en anglais, l'autre en franpais. Si vous désirez recevoir la documentation en langue franpaise, veuillez en faire mention sur la carte-réponse


Frjáls verslun

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