

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1998, Qupperneq 62

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1998, Qupperneq 62
Shepherd, C. W.: íslandsferð 1862. Heima er bezt 20, 1970: 12-16, 46-48, 85-88, 125-128, 165-166, 207-210, 244-246, 283-284, 322-324, 356-358, 394-397. David Fabricius: Island og Grænland í byrjun 17 aldar. Heima er bezt 24, 1974: 364-369. ■ RITSMÍÐAR Á ERLENDUM TUNGUMÁLUM / TÍMARÖÐ Vegetation Researches in Þjórsárdalur, South Iceland. Rit Vísindafél. ísl. 7, 1930: 3-15. Úber die Vegetation des Safamýri in Siid- Island. Rit Vísindafél. ísl. 14,1932:3-23. Contributions to the Plant Geography and Flora of Iceland I. On forestward vegeta- tion round Hlíð in Skaftártunga, South- Iceland. Greinar Vísindafélags Islánds 1, 1935: 60-70. Om vegetationen paa Melrakkaslétta i det Nordpstlige Island. Bot. Tidsskrift 43, 1936: 436-482. Contributions to the Plant Geography and Flora of Iceland II. The flora of Fjallabaksvegur, South Iceland. Greinar Vísindafélags íslands 1, 1937: 125-134. Bidrag til Nordvest-Islands Flora. Bot. Tidsskrift 45, 1940: 166-180. Contributions to the Plant Geography and Flora of Iceland III. The vegetation and flora of the island Æðey in ísafjarðardjúp, North-West Iceland. Greinar Vísinda- félags íslands 2, 1942: 1-26. Studies on the Vegetation of the Central Highland of Iceland. The Botany of lce- land IV, 1945: 351-547. Contributions to the Plant Geography and Flora of Iceland IV. The vegetation of ísafjarðardjúp, North West Iceland. Acta Nat. Isl. 3, 1946: 5-32. The Coastline Vegetation at Gásar in Eyjafjörður in the North of Iceland. Nytt Mag. Bot. 3, 1954: 203-212. On the age and immigration of the Icelandic flora. Rit Vísindafél. ísl. 35,1962:3-157. Ice Age Refugia in Iceland as Indicated by the Present Distribution of Plant Species. I: North Atlantic Biota and their History, ritstj. Áskell og Doris Löve. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1963. 303-320. Bibliographia Phytosociologica Islandica. Excerpta Botanica 7, 1966: 1—4. The flora of Iceland. Iceland Review 2, 1966: 16-22. Notes on the vegetation of roadverges at Akureyri, Northern Iceland. Aquilo, Ser. Botanica 6, 1967: 183-188. Studies on the mire vegetation of Iceland. Vísindafél. ísl. 41, 1975: 5-226. Some notes on the shore vegetation of Ice- land. Acta Botanica Islandica 4, 1977: 19-35. Two men’s unique Description of Land and People [Ferðabók Eggerts og Bjarna]. Atlantica Iceland Review 15, 1977: 23- 27. Underspgelser af de naturlige græsgange i Syd-Gr0nland 1977-1981. Rannsókna- stöð landbúnaðarins, Reykjavík og Til- raunastöðin í Upernaviarsuk, Grœn- landi, 1983. 223 bls. [Með Ingva Þorsteinssyni ]. ■ GREINAR í DAGBLÖÐUM I TÍMARÖÐ Ættgengi og þróun. Lesbók Morgun- blaðsins, Reykjavík, 22. og 29. jan. 1928. GuðmundurG. Bárðarson. Dagur, Akureyri, 13. apríl 1933. Ný rit um náttúru Islands. Dagur, Akureyri, 29. maí og 12. júní 1935. Skriðuhlaupin í Eyjafirði. Sunnudagsblað Alþýðublaðsins, Reykjavík, 27. okt. 1935. Friðun Leyningshóla. Dagur, Akureyri,19. júní 1936. Skógarbelti við Akureyrarpoll. Dagur, Akureyri, 2. og 9. júlí 1936. 140
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