

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1956, Qupperneq 14

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1956, Qupperneq 14
76 NÁTTÚRUFRÆÐINGURINN 4, 5 and 6 (2. mynd etc.) supports the validity of these radiation measure- ments. — Grapli 2. shows the parallelism between the average o£ the sun’s course (between sunrise and sunset), liours of sunshine and the total radia- tion. — Graph 3. shows an approximate inverse proportionality between the average atmospheric humidity and tlie daily mean values of the monthly radiation. — Graph 4. sliows liow the average length between sunrise and sunset and monthly precipitation vary inversely during the first half of year 1955, and a proportionality during the second half of the year, i. e. less precipitation during the late winter months and early spring. It is evident from graph 5, which shows the average atmospheric humidity and average monthly intensity o£ the radiation, that the radiation increases as the humidity de- creases. From graph 6. showing average temperature, average atmospheric pressure as well as total monthly radiation may be seen, tliat there is no necessary relationship between total radiation and temperature — this is most obvious during the months April—October 1955. It is also evident, that total radiation and atmospheric pressure are not necessary related. Table II shows a comparison of the results with published data from Fairbanks and Potsdam. Here one realizes the much greater radiation during the summer months at Fairbanks than in Reykjavík and also the small diffe- rence between radiation in Reykjavík and Potsdam. Table III shows a comparison with published data front Helsinki. The most outstanding feature is, that Reykjavík receives only 41000 cal/cm2 during the year where as it is in Helsinki 74000—80000 cal/cm2 a year. Also during the growing period the radiation received in Reykjavík is only about 28000 cal/cm2 but in Ilelsinki it is almost 56000 cal/cm2. However the annual variations in Reykjavík are not yet known, but as a result of these unexpected low values it seems possible, that variations in radiation may play a more important role for agriculture as well as other conditions of life in Reykjavík and SW-Iceland than in some other places of the northern hemisphere.
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