

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1977, Page 34

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1977, Page 34
■lldar, en það var ekki fyrr en fiðrild- in liöfðu klakist, að í Ijós kom, um hvaða tegundir var að ræða. Það er erfiðleikum háð að rækta fiðrildalirfur með góðum árangri. Sjá þarf til þess, að þær fái fæðu við sitt hæfi, ef þær eru ekki fullvaxnar. Þá þarf einnig að hafa hentugt rakastig og hæfilegan hita í ílátinu, sem lirf- urnar eru hafðar í. Mjög hætt er við, að mygla og sýklar valdi truflunum eða eyðileggingu. Það er því ráðlegt að hafa aðeins eina eða fáar lirfur í hverju íláti. HEIMILDIR lijörnsson, Hálfdán, 1951: Gróður og dýralíf í Esjufjöllum. — Náttúrufr. 21: 112. Frislrup, B., 1943: Contributions to the Fauna and Zoogeography of North- west Iceland. — Ent. Medd. 23: 154. Lindroth, C. II., Andersson, /-/., Böðvars- son, H. ir Richter, S. H., 1973: Surts- ey, Iceland. The Development of a New Fauna, 1963—1970. Terrestrial Invertebrates. — Fnt. Scand., Suppl. 5: 92-93. Nordström, /■'., Kaaber, S., Opheim, M. & Sotavalta, O., 1969: De Fennoskan- diska och Danska Nattllynas Utlired- ning (Noctiudae). Kort nr. 31, 259 og 372. Wolff, N. L., 1971: Lepidoptera. — The Zool. of Icel. III, Part 45: 85-86, 102-103, 110-111. S U M M A R Y Three migratory moths breed successfully in Iceland by Erling Ólafsson, Zoological Institute, Helgonavdgen 3, 223 62 Lund, Sweden, and Hálfdan Björnsson, Kvisker, Óraefi, The noctuid moths Autographa gamma L., Agrotis ipsilon Huln. and Phlogo- phora meticulosa L. (Lepidoptera, Noc- tuidae) have for long been well known visitors in Iceland. The first two species are fairly common vagrants, that some- times invade in considerable numbers. The third species is often observed, but massive invasions occur only rarely. Juvenile stages of these moths were first discovered in Iceland in 1974 and 1976. On 20 September 1974 a pupa of Autographa gamma L. was found on a lettuce plant (Lactuca) from a vegetable garden in Gardabær near Reykjavík (leg. Hreggvidur Thorgeirsson). The pupa hatched on 27 September. On 10 September 1976 a single larva A.-Skaft., Iceland of the species Agrolis ipsilon Hufn. was found in a potato field at Kvlsker, S.F.- Iceland (leg. Hálfdán Björnsson). The larva was taken lrom the grass Poa annua. It developed to a íull-grown moth, which hatched on 17 October. From the middle of August until early September 1976 rnany larvae at various stages belonging to the species Phlogo- phora meticulosa L. were collected and observed in a garden at Kvísker mainly on Centaurea montana but also on Aco- nitum napellus (leg. Hálfdán Björnsson). Larvae were raised on Centaurea leaves and lour pupated, hatching on 29 Sept- ember, 18 and 25 October, ancl 10 Nov- ember. 208



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