

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1977, Side 63

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1977, Side 63
Zonal distribution of plants and arthropods on a salt marsh in SW. Iceland by Agnar Ingóljsson, Institute oj Biology, University of lceland, Grensásvegur 12, Reykjavik. A salt marsh at Gálgahraun in Skerja- fjördur near Reykjavík, SW. Iceland, was studied with an emphasis on the zonal distribution of the larger arthropods. The marsh is flooded by fully saline water. Two transects were placed on the marsh, each with 11 stations, A—K, spaced at height intervals of 15 cm. Stations de- signated with the sarne lelter were situat- ed at identical height levels on the two transects. The total area studied had a vertical extent of 1.5 m. Plant cover was estimated on 15 September 1976 in one lXl m quadrat at eacli station. One pitfall trap (diameter 7 cm) was placed at each station on 15 September 1976. The traps were emptied on 20 September. During this time the traps were not reach- ed by tides, except at the lowermost sta- tions (A), where traps were flooded once for a short period. The lower part ol the marsh is domin- ated by Puccinellia maritima (Fig. 2, Table 1), which extends over an area of 80 cm vertical extent. The lower border of ihe Puccinellia zone (near B stations) is submerged by about 420 tides annually, whereas its upper border (near H sta- tions) is submerged only about 20 limes a year. Above this zone Festuca rubra becomes dominant over an area of 30 cm vertical extent. The upper part ol this zone is submerged about once annually. Above the Festuca zone several plant sjiecies become common. The number of plant species on the marsh is very low, ancl does not increase until tlie topmost sta- tions (K) are reached (Fig. 4), which are never submerged completely by tides. The amphipod Orchestia gammarellus was captured by the traps in greater number than any other species. It was found in some numbers over the whole vertical extent of the marsh, with a peak in the central part of the Puccinellia zone (I'ig. 3). Several staphylinid beetles were common. Micralymma marinum occurred throughout the Puccinellia zone with a peak near its centre (Fig. 3). Atheta vest- ita was common somewhat higher up with a peak near the junction of the Puccinellia and Festuca zones. Several additional staphylinids, not confined to seashore, became common at the upper stations. Several spiders were ábundant. Halorates reporpus was conlined to the lower part of the Puccinellia zone and also occurred below this (Fig. 3). Erigone longipalpis was connnon from the lower part of the Puccinellia zone to the centre of the Festuca zone, while Allomengea scopigera was found throughout the marsh, lmt witli a peak in numbers near the centre of the Festuca zone (Fig. 3). Neither of the two last named species of spiders are in Iceland conlined to the seashore. Wasps (Hyntenoptera) were commonly caught on the upper portion of the marsh, witlr a peak in the Festuca zone (Table 2), but they were not iden- tified to species. Several dipterous llies were common (Table 2), most of wliich breed in decaying seaweed. The number of animal species (or species groups wliere identification to species was not possible) was low on the lowest part of the marsh, but increased rapidly from he middle of the Puccinellia zone to the centre of the Festuca zone, above which there was no fnrther increase (Fig. 4). A list of all species (or species groups) caught in ihe pitfall traps and not included in Table 2 is found on p. 232 (total number of specimens and sta- tions in parentheses). Small mites (Acar- ina) and springtails (Collentbola) obtain- ed in the traps were ignored. I am greatly indebted to Erling Hauge, University of Bergen, for identifying the spiders, and to Erling Ólafsson, University of Lund, for identifying most of the in- sects. 237



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