

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1978, Blaðsíða 91

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1978, Blaðsíða 91
skelja í jarðlögum á íslandi. Skýrsla um Hið islenska náttúrufræðifélag, 107-1909, 37-40. — 1910: Island. Handb. d. regionale Geol. IV, I, 21 bls. Abteilung, Heidel- berg. Sigurðsson, Haraldur, 1965: Geology of tlie Setberg Area Snæfellsnes, West- ern Iceland. Greinar Vísindafél. Isl. IV (2), 54-122. Símonarson, Leifur og Sigriður Friðriks- dóttir, 1976: Nokkur orð um Nákuð- ungslögin. Raunvísir, Fréttabréf Raunvísindastofnunar Háskólans 3, 6-8. Stemundsson, Kristján, 1977: Jarðfræði- kort af íslandi, blað 7, Náttúrufræði- stofnun Islands og Landmælingar Is- lands. Thoroddsen, Þorvaldur, 1891: Postglaciale marne Afleijringer. Kystterrasser og Strandlinjer i Island. Geografisk Tid- skrift XI, 209-225. — 1901: Geological map of Iceland. Carlsberg Fund. — 1904: Fornar sævarmenjar á íslandi. Úr Þættir úr jarðfræði Islands 5. And- vari, 35-78. ' — 1905 a: Landskjálftar á Suðurlandi. Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag, 269 bls. — 1905 b: Island. Grundriss der Geo- graphie und Geologi. Petermand Mitteilungen 119—153, 1—11, 358 Itls. — 1908-1911: Lýsing íslands, I—IV, 1038 bls. — 1913-1915: Ferðabók, 1—IV, 1304 bls. Torfason, Halldór, 1974: Skorradalur — Andakíll, landmótun og laus jarðlög. Háskóli Islands, Verkfræði- og raun- vísindadeild (vélrituð prófritgerð), 30 bls. Þórarinsson, Sigurður, 1955: Nákuðungs- lögin í ljósi nýrra aldursákvarðana. Náttúrufr. 25, 172-186. Þorkelsson, Þorkell, 1935: Old Shorelines in Iceland and Isostasy. Greinar Vís- indafél. ísl. I, (1), 7 bls. Winkler, G. G., 1863: Island, der Bau seiner Gebirge. S U M M A R Y Discovery sites o£ Late and Post- glacial fossil shells in Iceland by Sigriður Friðriksdóttir Museum of Nalural History, P. O. liox 5320 Reykjavik, Iceland. The present paper lists all sites, known to the author, at which postglacial fossil shells have been found in Iceland. This is based on material in the collection of the Museum of Natural Hitsory in Reykjavík and published works. A few dubious records liave been omitted. l’he geographical locations ot shell beds are presented in four maps, witli two lists indicating the exact localities. On the maps, circles indicate localities from which there are specimens available in the Museum collection. These are 135 sites, listed on pp. 78—82. Triangles, on the other hand, indicate localities men- tioned in references only. These sites are 40 in number, and are listed on pp. 82— 83. During postglacial tirnes, the maximum sea-level attained (compared to present- day situation) is around 100—120 m, cor- responding to shaded areas on the maps. A review is made of C14-datings of Ice- landic lbssil shells. The datings lall into four distinct age groups: 12.800—12.100 years (Older Dryas), around 11.600 (Alle- röd), 10.400—7.700 (Younger Dryas), and around 5.000 (Nucella lapillus strata). All the shell species involved, except Portlandia arctica, are still found around the coast of Iceland, although distribution of some of them (e.g. Cardium elegantul- um) has changed. 85
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