Iðunn : nýr flokkur - 01.04.1926, Page 92

Iðunn : nýr flokkur - 01.04.1926, Page 92
IÐUNN X***'vv****w****v v*'a*w****w****vv****v v****vv**>* W'*"V »n»AA» A»t« »AAm»AA»mA A«»mAA«m« X»»»*VV*"*W*'"W"*'VV""W""VV""V V"" W*'"V V*"'V • •■•AA****AA**»*AA****AA****AA****AA»**»aA****AA****AA*»**A >X NVt v/ y< s/ nvj >X \y vv* <•< y/ y< y< w y< y, >\ >x y.s w >x >x w >\ /< >.< >s >x >\ >x >.< >x w >\ w w >X >.< >x >x y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< JES ZIMSENS VERSLUN I Járnvörudeildinni: Allskonar ELDHÚSÁHÖLD, stærst og best úrval á landinu. SMÍÐATÓL, margskonar. jÁRNVÖRUR, smærri og stærri. SAUMUR, alls konar. Stærst úrvaL Bestu vörur. Best verð. Jes Zimsens verslun. Talsímar: 336, 458, 1024. >•< >X >/ >x >/ >x y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< >ý >x >/ >x >/ >x >/ >x y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< y< >.< >/ >x >/ >x y< >.< y<y<y<y<y<y<y<y<y<y<y<y<y<y<y<y<y<y<y<y< >x>x>x>x>x>x>x>x>x>x>x>x>x>x>x>x>x>x>x>x


Iðunn : nýr flokkur

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