

Freyr - 01.12.1971, Page 34

Freyr - 01.12.1971, Page 34
Jarðakaupalcm Lánveitingar Stofnlánadeildar B-ian og Veðdeildar Búnaðarbanka íslands A-ián árin 1966-1970 M:'r;r 1966 T967 1968 1969 1970 3.1 12.5 7.6 15.0 14.5 Jarðakaupalán 28.6 23.4 28.5 21.7 23.5 B-lán 118.4 105.5 103.6 95.1 1 17.7 A-lán 150.1 141.4 139.9 131.8 155.7 Samtals 498 F R E Y R



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