

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1977, Blaðsíða 41

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1977, Blaðsíða 41
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 149 stæðulaust. Hafa verður í huga að enfluran eykur á verkun „ekki depolariserandi“ lyfja (curare, gallamín, pancuronium).8 Fyrsta rannsóknin um notkun enflurans í sambandi við fæðingaraðgerðir birtist í sept. 1975.7 Með dýratilraunum hefur ekki tekist að sýna fram á fósturskaða af völd- um lyfsins. Niðurstaða Verkun enflurans og halotans er mjög svipuð. Lyfin hafa sambærileg áhrif á blóðþrýsting og öndun, en svæfingastig sjúklinga, sem svæfðir eru með enfluran breytist hraðar með breyttri þéttni. Tíðni hjartsláttaróreglu enflurans og adrenalíns er lægri en halotans og adrenalíns. Lyfið er ekki talið hafa skaðleg áhrif á lifur eða nýru. Vöðvaslappandi áhrif enflurans eru meiri en halotans. Sjúklingar vakna fyrr eftir enfluran en halotan svæfingu. Lítil reynsla er ennþá fengin af notkun enflur- ans við fæðingaraðgerðir. Lyfið veldur verulegum breytingum á heilariti og fá- einir sjúklingar hafa fengið krampa. Hvort þessi áhrif á miðtaugakerfi eru skaðleg er ekki enn vitað með vissu, þótt flestir telji að svo sé ekki. SUMMARY Fifty patients, ranged in age from 2 L> months to 87 years were included in clinical study of anesthesia with enflurane t+N^O/ O2). Various surgical procedures were included in the study and required between 30 minutes and 5 hours for completion. Satisfactory anesthesia was obtained in all cases. Induction was smooth and marked by absence of coughing or breathholding when the anesthetic agent was introduced. Induction and recovery are shorter with enflurane than with halothane but there is little difference between the drugs in respect of their post-operative sequelae. One patient showed ventricular extra- systoles in bigeminal rhythm during intubation, otherwise cardiac rhythm and pulse were stable. Blood pressure decreased rather markedly in four patients after induction, which responded to the rapid infusion of fluids and the decrease in the concentration of inspired anesthesia. Enflurane causes a dose- related respiratory depression with a signifi- cant decrease in minute volume and tidal volume. Muscular relaxation and analgesia are better than those observed with halothane. In this study no instances of seizure-like activity during anesthesia were detected, de- spite careful observation. The EEG patterns during anesthesia with enflurane are discussed. HEIMILDIR 1. Alexander, S.C. ASA Regional refresher courses in anesthesiology vol. 1, bls. 1—13 1973. Anesthesia and the cerebral circu- lation. 2. Ball, C.G., DiFazio C.A., and Eastwood, D. W. Limited concentration enflurane anes- thesia. Soutliern Medical Journal, 65:1347- 51, 1972. 3. Bart, A.J., Homi, J., Linde, H.W. Changes in power spectra of electro-encephalograms during anesthesia with fluroxene, methoxy- flurane and Ethrane. Anesth. Analg. 50:53- 63, 1971. 4. Botty, C., Brown, B., Stanley, V. et al. Clinical experiences with compound 347, a halogenated anest'hetic agent. AnesthAnalg. (Cleveland) 47:499-505, 1968. 5. Calverley, R.K., Smith, N.T., Jones, C.W., E. I. Eger II., Roberts P.C. and Schaldach A.L. Abstracts of scientific papers. 1975 ASA Annual meeting bls. 259—260. 6. Chase, R.E., Holaday, D.A., Bergerova, F.V., Saidman L.J., Mack F.E. The biotransfor- mation of Ethrane in man. Anesthesiology 35: No. 3, September 1971. 7. Coleman, A.J., Downing J.W. Enflurane anesthesia for Cesarean section. Anestliesio- logy 43:354-57, 1975. 8. Dobkin, A.B., Nishioka, K., Gengaje, D.B., et al. Ethrane (compound 347) anesthesia: A clinical and laboratory review of 700 cases. Anestli. Analg. (Cleveland) 48:477- 494, 1969. 9. Findeiss, J.C., Kien, G.A., Huse, J.O.W. et al. Power spectral density of the electro- encephalogram during halothane and cyclo- propane anesthesia in man. Anesth. Analg. 48:1018, 1969. 10. Johnston, R.E. & Eger, E.I. II: A compara- tive interaction of epinephrine with halo- thane, enflurane and isoflurane in man. Abstracts of scientific papers 1974 ASA, Annual meeting bls. 55. 11. Katz, R.L., Matteo, R.S. & Papper E.M. The injection of epinephrine during general anesthesia with halogenated hydrocarbons and cyclopropane in man. 2. Halothane. Anesthesiology 23:597, 1962. 12. Linde, H.W., Lamb, V.E., Quinsby Jr., C.W., Homi, J., Eckenhoff, J.E. The search for better anesthetic agents: Clinical investi- gation of Ethrane. Anesthesiology 32-555- 59, 1970. 13. Mazze, R.I., Calverley, R.K., Smith, N.T., Jones, C.W. Abstracts of scientific papers, ASA Annual meeting 1975, bls. 225-26. 14. Munson, E.S., Tucker, W.K. Doses of epi- nephrine causing arrythmia during en- flurane, methoxyflurane and halothane anesthesia in dogs. Canad. Anaesth. Soc. J. 22:495-501, 1975. 15. Neigh, J.L., Garman, J.K., Harp, J.R. The
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