Læknablaðið - 01.08.1977, Blaðsíða 54
in the lower extremities. The patients are alive
and well 3% to more than 5% years after the
In one o£ the patients mildly symptomatic
cardiac arrythmia was discovered 5% years
after the operation. Left heart catheterization
and aortography at that time showed a nicely
functioning anastomosis with no pressure
gradient across it and no other abnormalities.
Some features of coarctation of the aorta are
discussed, especially the natural history of the
disease and the results after operation.
1. Abbott M.E.: Coarctation of the aorta of
the adult type. A statistical study and
historical retrospect of 200 recorded cases
with autopsy, of stenosis or obliteration of
the descending arch in subjects above the
age of two years. Am. Heart J. 3:381. 1928.
2. Bahnson H.T.: Patent ductus arteriosus,
coarctation of the aorta, and anomalies of
the aortic arch. Davis-Christophers Text-
book of Surgery, 10 ed. bls. 1931, Saunders
comp., 1972.
3. Blalock A. and Taussig H.B.: The surgical
treatment of malformations of the heart
in which there is pulmonary stenosis or
pulmonary atresia, J.A.M.A. 128:189. 1945.
4. Campbell M.: Natural history of coarcta-
tion of the aorta, British Heart J. 32:633.
5. Crafoord C. and Nylin G.: Congenital coarc-
tation of the aorta and its surgical treat-
ment, J. Thorac Surg. 14:347, 1945.
6. Cooley D.A. and Hallman G.L.: Surgical
treatment of congenital heart disease.
Philadelphia. Lea and Febiger. 1966.
7. Gross R.E.: Ligation of patent ductus
arteriosus, J.A.M.A. 112:729. 1939.
8. Gross R.E., Bill A.H. and Peirce E.C.:
Methods of preservation and transplanta-
tion of arterial grafts. Observations on
arterial grafts in dogs. Report of transplan-
tation of preserved arterial grafts in nine
human cases, Su.rg. Gynec. & Obstet. 88:689.
9. Iberra-Peres C., Castaneda A.R., Varco R.L.
and Lillchei C.W.: Recoarctation of the
aorta. Nineteen year clinical experience.
Amer. J. Cardiol. 25:405. 1970.
10. Reifenstein G.H., Levine S.A. and Gross
R.E.: Coarctation of the aorta, Am. Heart
J., 33:146. 1948.
11. Rumel W.R., Bailey C.P., Samson P.C.,
Waterman D.H. and Bing R.J.: Surgical
treatment of coarctation of aorta. Rcport
of the section on cardiovascular surgery,
Am. Coll. of Chest Physicians. J.A.M.A.,
164:5. 1957.
12. Shumacker H.B., Nahrwold D.L., King H.
and Waldhausen J.A.: Coarctation of the
aorta. Curr. probl. in surgery. Year Book
of Medical Publishers. Febr. 1968.
13. Spittell J.A. and McGoon D.C.: Coarctation
of the aorta. Peripheral vascular diseases
by Allen, Barker and Hines, chapter 25, 4
ed., Saunders Comp., 1972.
14. Tawes R.L., Aberdeen E., Waterston D.J.
and Bonham Carter R.E.: Coarctation of
the aorta in infants and children. A review
of 333 operative cases, including 179 in-
fants. Circuhition (Suppl. I) 39:173. 1969.